Part 2

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TW: mentions of sexual coercion and verbal abuse (not from Dom)

You woke up in Doms bed alone, with the smell of breakfast in the air. You groaned, your eyes still burning a bit from crying so much the night before. You headed out into the kitchen, where Dom sat eating a plate of pancakes. He had another plate next to his and he smiled at you with a mouthful of pancakes the minute he saw you. His cheeks were puffed out from all the food in them, and you couldn't help but smile back.

"Ew swallow your food you freak, it's gonna fall out," you joked, sitting next to him and grabbing the fork and knife on the table. He gulped loudly.

"That's not for you," he said seriously.

"Oh sorry I just thought-" you put down the fork and knife quickly. He stared at you for a minute, serious eyes boring into your skull, before breaking out smiling again. Then laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh fuck you," you said, realizing he had pranked you again, and grabbing a mouthful of the pancakes. He laughed so hard tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. He was feeding off of your embarrassment. Your phone vibrated on the table, and a notification appeared.

It was from Peter.

You looked at Dominic, then at the text on the phone, then back at Dominic again, who's eyes were still focused on the message bubble. He knew you were staring at him, but he wanted to see what you would do. He wanted to see if you could make the right decision on your own, without his advice or judgement. He stared intently at the message, licking his lips and nodding his head up and down slowly, like he was saying "so that's what he's gonna try now," in his own silent way.

To his surprise you did nothing. You let the messages keep coming.

'Baby I'm so sorry'

'Please forgive me baby I didn't mean to yell like that'

'Where are you, Im worried sick. Please come home'

'My life means nothing without you in it'

'Don't leave me'

'I'll kill myself if I lose you'

Dominic was getting fed up. Sure, it was a good sign that u weren't picking up the phone from the table, that you weren't rushing to text him back and assure him you were okay. Still, Dom knew if he let you stare at the messages, the man would guilt you into texting back. The messages would get to you. At the very least, you would have to relive everything the man had put you through this far. Dominic reached for the phone and turned it off. Maybe that was the help you needed. Maybe you couldn't do that alone, but with that little push, maybe you could get over it.

"Forget about him. I say this with my whole chest, he doesn't deserve you. All this shit about killing himself, you don't believe that do you? If he cared about you that much he wouldn't have slept with anybody else. I hate to be blunt with it but it's the truth. You don't need him. I don't know what his bitch ass has you believing, but you are not alone. He is not the only person in your life who you can lean on, especially considering you can't even do that. If he's gone, there are other people. You have other friends. Even if it's people you haven't talked to in ages, they still care for you. I know what it's like to have someone make you feel isolated, but once you leave him in the dirt, you'll see how stupid you were for staying so long. I'm here. I'm here for you. I am your friend and you can count on me. Whatever it was he provided you with, I can provide you with 10 times as much."

You wanted to cry. This man was basically a stranger, but you felt like you had known him your whole life, and he was taking care of you like he had known you all along as well.

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeWhere stories live. Discover now