Part 7

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A/N: Hey yall. I really appreciate everyones support of this story. It means the world to me seriously. I appreciate y'all reading and hope y'all are enjoying the story 💓sorry for slow updates school got so busy but I'm out now so hopefully more consistent updates. Maybe.

     Kev pulled up quickly. You opened the car for Dominic and ushered him in the backseat. He rolled the window down, waving at people and attempting to start conversation with the people crossing the street towards the club.

   "Heyyyyy y'all headed in there? That's what's up that's what's up"  he nodded his head and let his eyes fall shut, his mouth pulled up in a close lipped smile. Most of them ignored him or gave him simple 'yeah's, others laughed along as he cracked stupid jokes. You rolled your eyes, irritated, but mostly scared. You realized you hadn't really known Dom for that long. Maybe this was normal for him. Maybe he had done this before.

   "You okay?" Kev asked you.

     No, you weren't okay. Was that not obvious?

    You calmed yourself. Kev was only trying to be nice. There was no need for you to be an ass, so you replied as calmly as you could muster up.

   "Not really. I'm a little irritated and confused. And a little mad, although I'm not sure that I'm allowed to be. Mostly just scared" you were crystal clear with Kev. Why lie, right?

   "Okay, uhhh, I'm still a lil lost. Obviously Dom is high as shit though right? What did he take? Coke? Man... I told his ass to stay away from that shit..." Kevin began to mumble, going off about the situation as if in his own little world.

  "Has he done this before?" Your eyes stayed trained on the yellow light now in front of you, and you watched as a car attempted to cross the road before it turned red. It failed.

   "Uhhh yeah well... back in the day. Not super back but... back. When his mom first got arrested is when it started, I think. Maybe. I could be wrong." Kev noticed your blank expression, and his eyes dashed between the road in front of him and your lost gaze. You didn't notice. Too focused on Dominics nonsense ramblings and slow decline of sanity in the back seat. The cars honking around you became louder, and the music coming from Kevs speakers was quite frankly the most annoying you had ever heard music be. The seatbelt itched your neck and felt tight around your chest, and Dominics laughter intertwined with strange comments was the cherry on top of the cake. The overstimulation was like nothing you'd ever experienced before, and you reached over and clicked off Kevin's radio without asking.

   You looked at him afterwards, apologetic.

  "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. Reflex. I'm sorry. Everything's just a lot right now. Maybe drank too much" you shifted the blame to the alcohol. It would be less embarrassing that way. Sure, maybe it played a small part, but the humiliating truth was that your brain wouldn't be able to handle this situation even if you were completely sober.

    "Nah you're good, I get it. It's a lot. Don't stress. He's gonna be fine, okay?" Kevin attempted to calm you, seeing the worried thoughts reeling in your head. In that moment, he decided it wasn't his place to tell you about Dominics history with drugs, even if it wasn't an extensive one. That was still Dominics responsibility. His choice.

   As soon as Kevin's words helped you settle down a bit, Dominics voice came from the back seat.

    "Fuck, my chest hurts like a bitch"

Your heartbeat picked up again, and you figured at this point you just might have a heart attack. The boy was stressing you.

"Oh fuck. My nose is bleeding,"

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeWhere stories live. Discover now