"And shes dead. Serves the bitch right." Bakugo says with a smirk as Shoto is clinging onto me whispering stuff in my ear so I can calm down.

  "Inasa. Camie. I would leave." Shoto says as he is holding me tighter cause I'm thrashing around so I can kill the bitch, but the both of them run away making shoto look and see they are and then kisses me deeply so I can finally calm down.

  "Damn demon. Who knew you would try to commit murder." Bakugo says and I just sigh as shoto let's me go.

  "She is just a bitch that needs to be put in her place. Let's get back to the dorms. I'm exhausted and I want to watch Harry Potter with the girls." I say and shoto nods and takes my hand and we head to UA.

  *Timeskip At UA*

  "Finally. Back hom- who the fuck is this." I say as I see a man holding a camera snapping photos of my classmates as they are talking.

  "Oh my...you!" The man says and points to me.

  "Me." I say sarcastically and shoto and Bakugo come in and they see the reporter walking towards me.

  "You! I need loads of pictures of you! I need a interview! You my girl are the one who rised from the dead! You are famous all over the world!" He says and I raise an eyebrow.

  "you mean my fight between Ozul and Argo?" I ask and he nods.

  "Yes that exact fight made you famous. Can I please get a interview Miss Aizawa!" He asks and I look at Shoto and he shrugs.

  "I-" as I was about to answer a voice interrupts us.

  "I have said once and I hate repeating myself, you are not interviewing Y/n Aizawa. Without my permission, and I remember giving you the answer No." My dad says making me smile cause I was exhausted and i didnt want to do a interview when I rather be getting a shower and watching Harry Potter.

  "Well, I'm gonna get a shower.. have fun arguing." I say and I head straight to my dorm to grab my shower stuff.


  As I finish my shower, I see Shoto has changed and is in the common room talking to Midoriya and Iida, I give a smile and a wave as I head to the girls as they are in the TV area.

  "Now girls- what do you think about watching the third movie of Harry potter?" I ask making them look at me and gives me a smile.

  "HELL YEAH!" Mina and Toru yells making me chuckle.

  "Wait!" Momo yells making everyone look at her.

  "What if we make this a class thing. We watch the first and second one again but all the guys watch them with us." Momo says making all the guys smile.

  "Alright! That sounds awesome!" Denki says and all the guys come to the TV area and Shoto sits next to me.

  "Alright! This is so manly!" Kirishima says making bakugo smirk at his boyfriend.

  "IIDA COME ON!" Mina yells and Iida walks in with three bowls of popcorn and puts them on the table.

  "Alright Iida coming in clutch with the popcorn." Sero says and Sato comes in with brownies.

  "Brownies!" Toru yells and ojiro smiles at her excitement and kisses her cheek.

  "Well then, buckle down and you all will see why I love Draco Malfoy." I say and I grab the remote and I go into the Movies that where already bought and my dad already bought all the Harry Potter Movies as well as Fantastic Beasts, so I wouldnt bug him to rent them everytime. I feel shoto wrap his arm around waist and pulls me in his chest and I notice Ochaco and Midoriya is cuddling and Bakugos arm is around Kirishima shoulder, making me look up at shoto and kiss him softly on the lips and he smiles down at me. I then put on the first movie and putting Japanese Subtitles for all of them and I dont even notice the Interviewer taking pictures of all us smiling and watching the movie.

  After all this time and Abuse I put up with from Argo and Ozul for 6 years. I knew they were never my family. My family, my family is this room. I will fight till my last breath for them.



  I want yall to know. Thank Corpse Husbands Music for making me finishing two chapters in one night! This chapter was mostly a filler but it was very fun to make. Next chapter will be another filler I believe but I like reading and making l Fillers cause that gives me no boundaries on what I can create.

  Anywayssss I WANT YOU ALL TO SUMMON CERBERUS AND SCORCH THAT VOTE BUTTON TO ASHES! I love you all and I will see yall later! BYE BYE!

  -Hannah 🔥

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