Snape's expression remained like stone though his dark eyes seemed to somewhat gloat. "Ten points to Slytherin since Miss Carrow seems to be the only person to give an acceptable answer." He mused, ignoring the collection of Ravenclaw's with their hands in the air and Percy Weasley who was practically bouncing in his seat. "As antidote to your lack of understanding you will each write two rolls of parchment on werewolves with a focus on the ways in which you recognise and kill the beasts."

As the class groaned, Diana skimmed through her book, taking in all the information she already knew. A human being who upon the complete rising of the full moon becomes an uncontrollable, fearsome and deadly wolf. The inability to remember who they are when they transform and given the chance would kill even their best friend. Pale, sickly and weak before and after the full moon. Silver and dittany applied to a fresh bite will allow the victim to live.

Diana didn't like it.

She didn't like that Professor Snape was interfering with her education. She didn't like that Lupin wasn't teaching her instead. She especially didn't like that he was ignoring her and that he was ill, and she didn't like not knowing for sure why he was ill all too often.

She was going to get answers, no matter what it took.

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

After her Advanced Arithmancy lesson, Diana marched across the castle in determination. Without any hesitance or second thought, she unlocked the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts office with her wand and strode in, making sure to shut and lock it behind her.

Looking around the empty office she debated where to start. Diana knew if she was caught snooping around a Professor's office the consequences would be severe. After her fight with Cassandra and the fact she was already on thin ice, it might even be permanent expulsion. There was also the possibility she was entirely invading Lupin's privacy. In fact, she knew she was, but she was way beyond the point of caring and would deal with any punishment if it ever did occur later.

She made her way over to the desk and rifled through the three drawers but all she found was numerous sheets of paper and chocolate. The stone floor was cold on her knees and likely making them dirty but for once she was unbothered. Groaning she rose from the floor and moved across the room to search the cabinets on the walls. They were filled with dark and obscure objects and various knick-knacks she had to be careful not to break, but nothing informative or incriminating that would give her the answers she sought.

Then out of the corner of eye her gaze fell upon a plum-coloured box resting atop the chest of drawers against the wall. She walked over slowly and as she stood in front of it she admired it's gold lacing. It was rather beautiful and soft under her fingers from its velvet material. She opened the lid, inside were a number of small glass bottles filled with dark blue liquid that smoked. There were no labels on the bottles but Diana knew what they were, or to be more precise, what potion they were. Wolfsbane.

"I see you've taken my absence as an opportunity to go through my things."

Diana jumped, startled by the sudden voice and that she had been caught. Quickly she shut the lid of the box and spun round. Lupin stood in the doorway, watching her intently. He didn't seem angry though, but his expression was hard to read. One thing was clear though. He was tired and weak. The bags under his eyes and scars across his face were more prominent than ever.

Diana brushed down her skirt and stood up straight, refusing to give in under his gaze. "I had to do something to get your attention, you've been ignoring me all week. I was concerned."

"You don't need to worry about me." He said edging further into the room.

"I don't." She replied sharply causing Remus to frown in confusion. "I just I don't appreciate having Snape teach our class and don't want it to happen again. Besides," She paused, deliberating. "I also thought I had the right to know one of my professors was a werewolf."

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