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"Happy birthday dad!" Miles shouted as he arrived home.

Louis came walking into the hallway to hug him.
"Thank you. It feels like we haven't seen you in ages. We miss you around here."

"I'm busy at Uni. Sorry. So 50 huh? You're getting old." Miles smirked.

"Hey, watch it!" Louis chuckled.

They walked into the living room where everyone was already gathered. Miles hugged his aunts and his uncle, his grandma, and his extra uncles, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.
"Hi everyone!"

Niall's son Killian, now fifteen years old, was playing games on his phone while Liam's son Hayden, sixteen, was flirting with Zayn's daughter Eden who was fifteen.

Niall also had a twelve-year-old son named Keeley and a ten-year-old daughter named Kenna. He had gone completely Irish while he and his wife chose names for their children. Louis found it a little confusing with all the K names at first but he had gotten used to it.
"Where's Jo and Iz?" Miles asked.

"Probably locked inside one of their rooms with Laura, gossiping about boys." Laura was Liam's eighteen-year-old daughter.

Johannah and Isobel had turned nineteen. Isobel had gone directly to University, studying to become a teacher. Johannah was a wild spirit. She was planning to backpack through Europe with Laura as soon as Laura finished college so she was still living at home, spending her days painting and working extra at a Cinema. She planned to go to art school later on.

Harry came into the living room carrying a tray of drinks.
"Is everyone here?"

Lottie went to get the girls and Harry handed out drinks in the meantime, making sure that the children's drinks were nonalcoholic.

When Lottie came back with the girls he handed them their drinks before he raised his glass.
"I want to make a toast for my amazing husband. I can't believe you're turning 50! It feels like yesterday Niall introduced us. You were the most beautiful boy I had ever seen and now, thirty years later you're even more gorgeous. I'm grateful for every day I got with you so far. I love you so much. To thirty more years together!"

Everyone clinked their glasses and Louis leaned in to kiss his husband.
"Thanks love. I love you more."

"If everybody will accompany me to the dining room we're gonna eat Louis's famous chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash." Harry grinned. 

Everyone wolf-whistled before they took a seat. They had a lovely dinner together and afterward, Louis got to open his presents. They hung out in the living room talking until Harry stood up and reached out a hand to Louis.
"I'm taking you out. Let's go dancing. We haven't done that in ages."

Louis looked surprised but grinned.
"I would love that."

"You're terrible dancers." Niall chuckled.

"Right in the feels Horan! Wanna join us?" Louis smiled.

"I'll take a raincheck. Considering it's Christmas tomorrow we're heading home." Niall answered.

"Suit yourself. Liam? Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Sorry mate, we're equally boring. You have fun, you two." Liam smiled.

"Yeah, we're going home as well." Zayn said.

"Okay, don't wait up mum. We won't be too late." Harry smiled.

"I wanna go!" Lottie said and Fizzy nodded her head as well.

"Great! You know we're going to a gay club?" Harry asked.

"I figured." Fizzy chuckled.

They went to get ready and took a cab downtown to one of the most popular clubs. They didn't have to wait in a line that long and Louis and Harry immediately went to the dance floor and started to shake their booties. Harry smiled at his husband. Louis's hair was grey now but it suited him. It made him look more manly and he loved it.

They spent a couple of hours at the club dancing and drinking with Louis' sisters before they decided to call it the night. They went outside and walked down the street to get a cab. Louis had his arm around Harry's shoulders and Harry held his waist. Louis kissed him.

A group of men walked by and someone shouted "fucking faggots!"
Harry broke the kiss and stared at the men with wrinkled eyebrows.
"What did you say?"

"Leave it." Louis tried to say but Harry didn't listen.

One of the men came up to them and stared at him with a smirk.
"You're disgusting. You like to take it in the ass right, you look like you do."

Harry gasped and let go of Louis.
"That's none of your fucking business."

The punch came unexpectedly. The guy was big and he didn't hold back. Harry stumbled back but before he could collect himself the man hit him again and this time he fell to the ground. His ears were ringing.
"Harry! Get off him! Harry!" Louis shouted in panic.

Harry turned his head to the side and saw the rest of the men have Louis in a firm grip so he couldn't come to his rescue. Louis was trying to pull himself away but they held on tight. Harry was glad. He didn't want Louis to get hurt. He tried to get up. Something was tripping in his eye, turning his vision red.

That's when he got kicked in the stomach. It totally knocked the air out of his lungs and he gasped. He got kicked three more times. He could hear someone scream. He was kicked again and the pain was unbearable. He must have cracked a rib. The man took a hold of his shirt and he stared up at him in fear. Hateful eyes stared back at him and then he got punched in the nose and a loud crack was heard. The man raised his fist again and Harry closed his eyes but a second punch never came.

He could hear a voice faintly and someone running away. He tried to breathe but it hurt like hell. Then Louis was there with him. He was crying. He tried to speak but he couldn't get the words out.
"An ambulance is on the way!" Louis said before he let the darkness surround him. 

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