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"Congratulations, it's twins!" The nurse announced.

Louis' sister Lottie grinned at them and Harry and Louis looked like they were about to faint both of them.
"Twins?" Harry gasped.

"That's the Tomlinson gene." Lottie grinned.

"Do you wanna know the gender?" The nurse who did the ultrasound asked.

"Yes." Harry and Louis said at the same time.

"They're both girls. Identical twins." The nurse smiled.

On their way home, Harry panicked.
"Two? Two! We have to buy double everything. We just fixed up the nursery, we have to start all over with a second one. When will we sleep?"

Lottie laughed from the backseat and Louis glanced at his husband with a smile.
"Relax sweetheart, we have time. It's five months from the due date. They should sleep in the same crib in the beginning anyway. It calms them. We'll sleep in shifts. I'm really excited. Two twin girls will be wonderful, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Harry answered with a dimpled smile.

"And Miles is almost three, and he sleeps the whole night. We can do this, and we won't freak out, okay?" Louis smirked.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

He had stopped panicking over everything but he was still the worried, overprotective parent. He had cried more than Miles when he started daycare. Louis was his rock, the one who grounded him. He was supportive but he also told him when he needed to calm down or when he was being too overprotective. Or when he had to cut the crap, as Louis so nicely put it.

He knew that Louis was a softie as well. He cried the first time Miles called him dadda. He always looked out for him, afraid that he would get hurt and he had never seen him more proud than when Miles took his first stumbling step. He was just grateful that between the two of them Louis was the voice of reason. He didn't know what he would do without him.

Later that night they lay awake discussing baby names when Louis started to giggle all of a sudden.
"I'm glad that you took my surname because Miles Styles? That had just been cruel."

Harry started to giggle as well.
"I think it has a nice ring to it. Just kidding!"

"Any name suggestions?" Louis smiled.

"What about Johannah?" Harry answered softly.

"That was my mum's name!" Louis said emotionally.

"I know that love." Harry replied and caressed Louis' hair.

"Yeah, I would like that." Louis said.

Harry pressed a kiss against Louis' lips and Louis rolled on top of him.
"We should have as much sex as possible. As soon as the twins are born we'll have few opportunities." He grinned.

"I'm gonna miss sex." Harry grunted.

"Well..." Louis smirked and started to kiss Harry's neck.

The months went by fast. They set up a second nursery and bought double the set of clothes and got a twin baby carriage. They followed Lottie to her appointments and smothered her, just as they had done with Gemma when she was their surrogate. When they started talking about a second child Lottie offered to do it and they used Harry's sperm this time with her egg.

Louis secretly hoped that the twins would get Harry's wonderful chocolate brown curls. Miles was a copy of himself as a child except for the Styles' green eyes.

When it was two weeks to the due date Lottie moved in with them. Eleven days too early they woke up from a scream.
"No one told me it hurts this much!"

Harry and Louis scrambled out of bed. Louis called Niall who lived ten minutes away so he could take care of Miles. Harry ran around looking panicked so Louis handed him some clothes before he went to check on his sister. She glared at him.
"I hate you. It hurts!"

He walked over and kissed her forehead.
"You can hate me today. I love you and I'm so grateful Lottie."

Lottie smiled and then her face turned into a grimace when she had her next contraction. Louis helped her to stand up and helped her put some sweats on before they headed to the hallway where Harry just opened the door for Niall. Harry looked concerned.
"Maybe we should wake up Miles."

"Let him sleep Haz. It's the middle of the night. He'll be alright. He loves uncle, Niall." Louis said softly.

"I'll bring him to the hospital when the babies are born." Niall promised.

"Take my car. He needs the car seat." Harry instructed.

"Do you want these babies to be born in this fucking hallway?" Lottie grunted.

"Hi Lotts, looking good." Niall grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

She flipped him the finger before Louis helped her outside. Harry grabbed the bag. Louis helped her in the front seat and ran around to take the driver's seat and Harry got in the back.

Lottie let out a roar as the next contraction set in.
"You're doing great and we're gonna be with you through it all." Louis said.

"If you as much as peek at my vajeje I'll strangle you." Lottie growled and Harry let out a loud cackle.

"Your what?" Louis asked, looking confused.

"My vagina Louis." Lottie huffed.

Louis turned his head to stare at her with his face wrinkled in disgust.
"Eeeew! Gross! You're my sister!"

"Exactly!" Lottie shouted.

Louis looked at the road again. Harry was dying of laughter in the backseat.
They found their way to the hospital and were shown to a delivery room. The birth took three hours. Gemma had been the graceful, suffering in silent type and Lottie was the opposite. Louis had never heard her swear and scream more in his life.

The girls were born two minutes apart and both Harry and Louis cried when they held them.
"Thank you." Louis said to Lottie who looked tired but happy.

"I'm gonna be their favorite aunt. They're beautiful. Do you have names for them?" Lottie asked.

"This is Isobel." Harry said and walked over with the baby in his arms.

"And this is Johannah." Louis smiled.

"You're naming her after mum? That's wonderful." Lottie said and teared up.

"Yeah, Johannah Anne Tomlinson." Louis smiled.

"And Isobel Charlotte Tomlinson." Harry smiled.

Lottie stared at them and her tears spilled over.
"After me?"

"Of course. Thank you, Lottie." Harry smiled.

"You guys, come on, hug!" Lottie said and they both hugged her.

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