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Louis started to cry and threw himself at him. Harry stumbled but caught him and wrapped his arms around him.
"I can't believe you're here! Thank you."

"Of course, I'm here Lou. I would have come sooner if I had known but are you sure you want me here?" Harry said softly.

"Yes." Louis answered simply. He dried his cheeks and let go of Harry but invited him inside instead.

Harry sat down in the living room while Louis made them Tea. It was the same couch they had picked out together. He lifted one of the cushions and found the red wine stain still there after they celebrated moving in officially. That brought a sad smile to his lips. So much had changed and the stain was there to remind him of what he had lost.
"Hey, are you okay?"

Harry looked up to find Louis standing in the doorway with two cups in his hand.
"Yeah, wine stain." Harry said.

"We never got that washed. We just turned the cushion." Louis answered and came over and put the cups on the coffee table before he sat down next to Harry.
"So how have you been?"

"Okay. I got a job at a record label." Harry informed.

"No way! That's incredible! I'm so happy for you." Louis smiled happily and Harry wanted to cry. He knew he would react like that.

"So, you've been quite the Casanova if the rumor is accurate." Louis smirked and mentally face-planted for even bringing it up.

Harry blushed crimson red.
"That's none of your fucking business." He said upset and was about to get up and leave but Louis put a hand on his arms and pushed him down on the couch.

"I know and I'm sorry. I don't even know why I said that, I'm jealous okay?" Louis confessed and blushed as well.

"Are people talking about me? I'm a whore now?" Harry asked quietly, feeling ashamed.

"I'm pretty sure you're not charging for your services and the talk is good, as in you're a freaking sex God in bed." Louis smirked.

"Oh." Harry answered and scratched his chin. He hesitated before he added. "I tried to get over you. I was sad and hurt and I was just trying to feel better somehow. It was sex or drugs. I chose sex."

"Did it work?" Louis asked, afraid of the answer.

Harry gave him a pensive stare but he didn't answer the question. Instead, he changed the subject.
"Tell me about your mum. How bad is it?

"She's dying Haz. Chemo didn't work."  Louis sighed.

Harry put his arms around him.
"I'm so, so sorry. I'm here for you. I know we broke up but you're not alone in this."

"I'm gonna hold you to that. I don't know how I'm gonna do this. How am I gonna do this?" Louis asked and started to cry again.

"I don't know but we'll get through it together. Let's take it one step at a time." Harry promised.

"I really missed you, Harry. I'm so sorry about everything." Louis breathed out.

Harry froze and forgot how to breathe for a second.
"Me too. I'm sorry too."

Louis sat back and took his hands.
"No, listen to me. You were right. I was so focused on my job that I lost sight of what matters and that's you. You know I crashed, right? After we broke up I used work to avoid my pain and I hit that famous wall."

"What? Are you okay? Oh, my God. I had no idea!" Harry said upset.

"I'm okay now. I hit the breaks before I totally turned myself into a vegetable. I got depressed and I laid in bed for a couple of months, took a sick leave." Louis said.

"That's awful." Harry answered and squeezed his hand.

"It wasn't pretty. Anyhow, that kind of forced me to cope. It was just me and my thoughts, you know? I thought of us and where our relationship had landed and I felt so ashamed. I had been so fucking blind Harry. I drove you away. You were right here and I didn't see you. I neglected you and I didn't appreciate you and I'm so fucking sorry Harry. I should have been here with you. I should have come home in time for dinner when you cooked for me. I should have spent the evenings on this crappy couch, watching romantic comedies and I should have held you when you cried at the end, because you always do. I should have made love to you instead of falling asleep, especially after you were brave enough to dress in sexy lingerie because trust me, you were so sexy. I should have told you how beautiful you are and how much I love you, and how lucky I was that you were my boyfriend, every day. I got my priorities all messed up and I'm so fucking sorry love. So sorry." Louis said and held his breath after he finished.

Harry just stared at him with his mouth hung open and then he broke down. His whole body was shaking and deep sobs emerge from his chest. Louis immediately took him in his arms and rocked him back and forth.
"Why couldn't you tell me this back then before I destroyed everything with that stupid, whatever his name was."

"David." Louis snorted.

"And before I slept with the whole fucking world? I feel so dirty. We had only slept with each other. I loved that about us!" Harry sobbed.

"I wasn't a virgin when we met Harry. I had slept with girls before that." Louis answered.

"That doesn't count." Harry muttered.

"Well, I slept with someone else during this year, does that count?" Louis replied.

Harry sat up and stared at him.
"You slept with someone?"

He looked like a mess but Louis still thought he was the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
"You slept with the whole world according to you. Exactly how many is that?"

"I don't know...twenty?" Harry answered.

Louis' eyes grew wide.
"Twenty? Wow!"

"I'm disgusting!" Harry wailed.

"No, you're not. It's okay Harry. I'm glad you chose sex instead of drugs." Louis said, trying to lighten the mood and Harry actually smirked.

"You didn't let anyone fuck you, is that right? Why?" Louis had to ask.

"Of course not! I couldn't do that. Only you." Harry sighed before he continued "Did...did you bottom?"

"Of course not. Only you." Louis smiled.

"So..." Harry said.

"So...I love you." Louis answered.

Harry's lower lip started to wobble again.
"Still? Despite everything?"

"Always." Louis answered.

"I love you too! So much!" Harry replied.

Louis reached out a hand and caressed his cheek lovingly.
"Can we try again? I don't work overtime anymore and I promise that I'm gonna be here for you. I want to spend my time with you because you're amazing Harry."

"I promise that I will work on my communication and I will never flirt with anyone else because you're all I'll ever want. Please let us try again. I'll do better!" Harry answered emotionally.

"We'll both do better." Louis promised.

He leaned in and connected their lips. The kiss tasted salty from Harry's tears but he didn't care. He felt like he was home again. 
"Harry? I love your long hair. So sexy."

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