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"That was Gemma. It's time. Oh fuck, It's time!" Harry stressed and started to run around in the house.

Louis watched him in amusement for a second before he got up from the breakfast table and walked over to Harry. He grabbed his shoulders to keep him still.
"Breathe love. I think I should drive. Come on. Get the bag."

"We're having a baby." Harry breathed out and then he started bawling.

Louis hugged him and stroked his back comforting.
"We sure are but not if you're gonna stand here."

"How can you be so calm about this? We're having a baby!" Harry said.

Louis smiled.
"Someone has to be calm about it, but trust me, I'm only calm on the outside. I'm as excited as you are."

Harry pecked Louis' lips quickly before he ran to the hallway and grabbed the bag they had prepared. Louis got the car keys and they headed outside to drive to the hospital.

They had spent the first three years of their marriage just the two of them. They went on vacations, enjoyed each other's company, hung out with friends, and built a home together.

Liam offered Harry co-ownership of the record label and he gladly accepted. Louis got promoted to head coach. Their salaries increased and they filled their savings account for the next phase in their lives.

They spend Louis' birthday with his family and Christmas Eve with Harry's. They swopped every year to be fair. That Christmas they asked Gemma if she would consider being a surrogate and she said yes without hesitation.

They used a good amount of their savings at a fertility clinic, using Louis' sperm and Gemma's egg so the baby would have both of their genes. They were right by her side every step of the way, from the implanting of the embryo to the pregnancy test and it succeeded on the first try.

They took her to every doctor's appointment, framed the first ultrasound pictures and they both cried when they found out that they were having a boy. They spent so much time at Gemma's place, pampering her, that Gemma's boyfriend finally told them to give her some space. Gemma knew how much it meant to both of them so she let them talk and sing to her stomach and give her back massages and rub her feet. She felt like a queen.

They had babyproofed the house and bought everything they needed and then some. They turned one of the bedrooms into a nursery and spent the evenings discussing baby names. They were ready for this baby and now it was finally time.

Louis parked the car outside the hospital and they hurried inside. Louis asked for the direction at the front desk and they ran across the hospital to find the right room. They knocked on the door and poked their heads inside. Gemma was laying in a hospital bed and she smiled at them.
"Come in."

They stood on each side of her and held her hands while she gave birth to their son. Three hours later they could hear their baby scream for the first time. The nurse put him in Louis' arms and he stared at the baby in awe.
"Thank you, Gemma. I don't know how I will ever repay you for this. I love you so much." Harry said to his sister with tears streaming down his face.

"I love you too little brother. Just be the best dad you can be." Gemma said with a tired smile.

"Thank you, Gemma." Louis said.

Harry walked up to Louis and he handed him the baby. It was love at first sight. Harry looked down on their son before he turned his gaze to Louis, who was all teary-eyed as well.
"We're parents."

"We are. He's perfect." Louis smiled.

They got to take him home later that evening and Harry put him in the car seat and rode in the back with him. He couldn't take his eyes off their son.

They had taken the week off both of them and then they would take turns staying at home for the first year. Harry would be home at first during the football season and then Louis would take over.

They put Miles to bed, that was the name they had agreed on, Miles Edward William Tomlinson, and made sure the baby monitor worked before they headed to bed themselves.

Louis woke up an hour later to find the bed empty. He got up to look for Harry and found him in the rocking chair in the nursery.
"Did he wake up?" He whispered.

"No, I want to stay here tonight, that's all." Harry whispered back without taking his eyes off the sleeping baby.

"Do you want me to keep you company?" Louis asked.

"It's okay, get some sleep." Harry answered.

Louis hesitated but returned to the bedroom. The bed felt cold and empty. Harry seemed to want some time alone so he would give him that. He guessed they would take turns caring for Miles during the nights so one of them got some sleep.

Except Harry stayed up every night in the week that followed. Louis tried to talk to him about it, told him that he could take the next night and that Harry should get some sleep but Harry wouldn't listen.

He barely got to hold their baby. Harry fed him and changed his diaper and he never put him down. Louis tried, he asked if he could do it but Harry just said that he got it. After a week it was clear that Harry didn't want him to take care of Miles at all and Louis was hurt and confused. Didn't Harry think that he would be a good dad? He didn't want to ask him bluntly because he was afraid of the answer.

He became more and more sad and miserable as the week progressed. He wished that his mum was still alive so he could talk to her about it. This was a subject that you needed a mum for. He swallowed his pride and called Harry's mum Anne instead.

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