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Michaels POV

My eyes flutter open to a bright room, so bright I cant even open my eyes all the way. I see silhouettes of people standing around me so I rub the sleep out of my eyes sit up. When I try sitting up I feel an excruciating pain along my chest and let out a painful gasp.
"Aye aye kid, take it easy your still in the hospital," I look over and see one silhouette is John. The others where my parents and.. Tyler. How am I gonna tell him that our friend killed his dad to get to me. He'll hate me forever. I look at Tyler and start crying,
"I'm so sorry Ty.." I say through my tears.
"What do you mean? Did something happen?" I simply look in Tylers eyes and I see realization wash over him.
"Wheres my dad? Officer Oakwood I need my dad now!" John hugs Tyler.
"Tyler your father was a great man. He died protecting your friend Michael," I feel the guilt wash over me as his eyes meet mine.
"Protecting him from what.." I can see anger building up in Tyler but I don't say anything.
"Yunna. Yunna killed your dad, Cierra and 2 other officers. She wants Mike but we wont let her," John seems proud of himself till Tyler speaks again,
"This is your fault," he looks me in the eyes, "if you just gave yourself up my dad would be alive you bastard!!" He draws back and punches me so hard I almost black out and I fall out of the hospital bed. Blood dripping from my mouth.
"Tyler you can't jus-" Tyler interrupts John.
"Its your fault too all of you should fucking die," he looks at me again, "I told you Yunna was bad but you never fucking listen and now my dad was brought into it and now hes fucking dead Mike! Whenever we waited for you after school she only talked about you but if I say anything about you she got pissed. I'm going home fuck you all! Your so selfish. Do you ever think about anyone else's feelings?" He storms out and I wanna chase him but that would only make things worse for both of us. John picks me up helping me back into the bed as my mom runs for ice. I suddenly remember seeing Yunna right before I blacked out.
"Wheres Yunna?" I feel nervous about the answer I may get.
"She's in custody right now, she has eyes surrounding her so she isn't going anywhere," I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this nightmare can end. She can finally go to prison.
"When does she get locked up?" I ask john.
"Well thats the difficult part, she's only 14 so shes still a minor. That means we cant charge her harshly enough to go to prison. The most we can do is send her to the Juvenile Detention center," I see the worry spread across his face. She killed 2 police, no Juvy will hold her. And John knew that as well as I did. Soon my mom comes back in with ice and holds it to me face,
"Are you okay hunny?!" My mom cries as blood drips from my lip.
"I'm fine mom. Never better," I say with sarcasm filling my voice. My world is just crumbling. One after another people are dying all around me. Just then the true realization of what's happened hits me hard, the guilt of this all being my fault, the trauma of seeing my friend cut open in front of me, the screams of the police officer and Tylers dads lifeless body. What could I have done to save them? She seemed so innocent and happy, but she's a murderer, she spent her life keeping me alone so she could have me to herself. How can she kill a human like its nothing. I can't get her damn smile out of me head.
"Mike hey you okay?" My mom almost whispers to me snapping out my thoughts.
"I don't know mom.." I feel terrified. I don't want anyone else dead.


Later that night I'm watching Tv in my hospital bed. I have guards right outside the door. Even though they both have their hand guns I feel like this hospital isn't safe. She's already killed 2 police officers and these are only security guards. Just then I thought about it. I haven't heard the 2 in a while are they okay? Are they dead? Right on que the door opens and I see someone peek in. My heart starts racing till I realize it's just a guard,
"Everything alright in here sir?" Hm it feels weird to be called sir instead of kid. Even though it's only been 2 days it feels like its been a life time. She's insane.
The halls echo with sudden gunshots. I don't feel scared anymore, just empty. I hear the guards talking outside my room,
"What the hell was that?"
"I don't know but I'll go check it out." One guard runs off to check the gun shots. I hear his footsteps fade out of ear shot.
"Steve come in you okay?" The guard at my door tried to radio the other guard, apparently named Steve.
"Great what do you see down there?" After each question I hear a muffled voice from the radio.
"There what..? Oh my god.." Just then the crack of another gun shot echoes through the building.
"Steve..? Steve!? Shit, Who's down there!!?" The door opens and the guard steps in visibly terrified. He's weak like me.
"Come on sir I gotta get you outt-" something stops him in mid sentence and his eyes grow wide like saucers. He starts coughing and almost choking? Just then he coughs toward me and I get blood everywhere. I look over my body. My heart sounds like a helicopter in my ears and I strain to keep my vision from fading. I look up as i see the blood soaked guard drop to the floor. Standing right behind him, her. Yunna. She stares at me with a massive kitchen knife that's covered in red all the way to the handle. She waves at me, with that smile. She takes one step then lunges, in less then a second her yellow walleyed eyes and her sadistic smile were less than inches from my own face. She tackles me to the floor the hugs me.
"Your warmth is all I've wanted. Never scare me again, I thought You were gonna die for that piece of shit," she starts giggling and nuzzles my neck, "but he'll never bother us again hunny."
Her words filled me with anger and fear. I shove her to the floor and crawl back from her as I grasp the gash on my chest and my increased heart rate cause blood to leak from the wound.
"Baby does it hurt are you okay?" All of a sudden her voice is filled with pain and she looks scared and sad, she crawls to me and lightly places a finger on my bandages and I wince in pain and she quickly jerks back. I feel a tear fall as I think of all the horrible things she has done. How can this shy, timid and sweet girl be the same psychotic homicidal maniac that killed my friend and so many more. I snap out of the almost trance her soft voice puts me in. I jump to my feet and run out of the room and hold the door shut. I hear her footsteps follow quickly and she starts frantically trying to get the door open. At first she just was shaking the nob frantically,
"B-baby please let me out.. I-I'm scared I don't l-like being locked up.." I remember finding out what her parents did to her, they locked her in a cage with no escape, now I'm doing the same to her.
"Mikey p-please just let me out.. you can do whatever you want to me just please.. d-dont lock me in here.." she's crying hard and pounding on the door. I grab a broom stick sitting in the hall and I jam the door shut with it.
"P-PLEASE MIKEY HELP ME!!!" She starts screaming louder than I've ever heard. She starts slamming her face into the door over and over. It doesn't stop for minutes. The guilt of what I just put her through hurts worse than any knife. I unjam the door and peak in and see her laying in her own blood which is pouring from her forehead. I quickly go to call John, I dial his number and press call.
*ring ring ring*
"You have reached the voicemail box of John Oakwood, at the tone please record your message"

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