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Michaels POV

"Oh my god.." I fall backwards to the floor. This cant be real, its all a nightmare I kept telling myself. But this was real. This was no nightmare...


I jump awake startled by yet another nightmare I don't remember. Every time i have that nightmare, something bad happens. But today seems like a great day so im not worried.
"Mike your gonna be late for school now come down breakfast is ready!" Mom yells to me from downstairs. Her name is Carol and she probably the best mom out there. Which was great cause for a guy with few friends, you need your mom in your life. I don't know why but every girl I've ever liked or dated has suddenly stopped talking to me. They never give me a reason they just tell me that they do not wish to see me again. It use to hurt, now I don't really try. I quickly pull on some black sweats and a grey hoodie. I never comb my hair other wise I look stuck up, then I'll get jumped. But it was weird all the people who use to beat the hell out of me apologized. They all looked scared to. It puzzles me more and more every damn day. People seemed terrified to be around me.


I make it to school 10 minutes early today, but still, My friend Yunna beat me and was waiting at the front gate. She was a first year at the school and I was a third year but Yunna was my best friend. Shes so pretty and so kind but she would never think the same of me so I'm happy being her friend.
"Mikey!!" Her face brightens up as she runs to me, "What took you so long slow poke!?"
"What do you mean im 10 minutes early," I say while chuckling. I begin walking up with Yunna when I see the prettiest girl in the whole school, Cierra. I cant take my eyes off her and I stare as she walks in. I turn my head to Yunna and jump slightly. Her eyes look almost glassy as she stares towards the door of the school.
"You gotta test or something? You look pissed." At that she smiles brightly, almost too brightly and says, "Something like that." Yunna has always been a weird girl but, this seemed off. It begins raining so I ignore it and we run into school together. I tell her goodbye and walk upstairs to my first class, Art. I would get to see Cierra today and we even have a project together. Shes the only stranger comfortable being near me.
"Hey Mike! You ready to get started?" She exclaims as she waves to me.
"Of coarse."


We work for hours and finally we finish it. Its a painting of a wedding but almost abstract due to both of our lack of art skills. She said I could keep if I wanted which made my heart leap.
"Times up I'm coming around to grade," My teacher Ms. Miller yells out. Me and Cierra get 110% somehow and we both sign it and Ms. Miller rolls it up for me. After class I take it to my locker and wait for the inevitable visit from Yunna. And sure enough she runs up smiling,
"Hi Miley how was art class!" She sounded enthusiastic but she almost looks.. mad, but I'm not sure. Me and her chat for a bit then she looks at the floor while smiling almost creepily and walks away. What is with her today. I walk to my next class brushing off the thought of it.


I walk to me locker after school and Yunna and my other friend Tyler are waiting for me. Yunna never liked Tyler and I don't know why but she has that smile again and their talking and waiting for me.
"Hey guys!" I shout to them. Yunnas entire demeanor changed and again she looked cheerful and innocent. No matter how long I know her I cant get past how weird she can be. I never blamed her though. We chatted for a minute then Yunna walks me home. I know that sounds backwards but she always insisted on it and nothing I say changes her mind. We walk in silence for a minute which is strange she's usually so chatty then right on mark as if she hears my thoughts she breaks the silence.
"Whats that paper you got Mikey?" She asks pointing to me and Cierras rolled up project.
"Oh this? Its a painting I made," I hold it open for her triumphantly and she instantly smile's. Not her fun smile that creepy one.
"Cierra helped with this? As in Cierra Roberts from that deadbeat family? I told you she's bad news Mikey you need to stay away from her," she giggles with that creepy smile and almost blank eyes.
"Are you okay Yunna? You're acting strange."
"Im okay silly I just need a shower," she goes back to her cute smile. We walk the rest of the way not talking much and she walks me up my drive. I tell her bye I hear her mumble something,
"...you don't need her..." I brushed this off like usual cause she always talks to herself. Tomorrow was Friday so I figured I'd go to bed early so I could wake up early tomorrow. So I grab a snack, brush my teeth then hop in the shower. I think more about how weird Yunna has been. Maybe something happened with her mom. Yunna and her mom lived alone after Yunnas dad died. He was found in their shed stabbed 94 times and was completely disfigured, face sliced off. The killer was never found. After that Yunna came out about her dad raping her. She said he did it every time her mom was at work. When she came out her mom never believed it, or at least never wanted too. She began beating Yunna and even starving her for days. One day the beatings stopped. But I never found out why. I stopped thinking about it and got out of the shower. I dried off and threw on just underwear and some baggy shorts. Like usual mom and dad were at work right now, so I head straight upstairs and pop on some anime and fall asleep.


The next morning is the same mom wakes me up and I throw on some clothes. I skip breakfast and head straight to school and when I get there Yunna isn't there. Thats strange shes always here first. Maybe shes sick or something. I run inside anyway and go straight to 1st hour. Cierra isn't here either. Damn all of my friends are gone today. Hopefully Tyler's here. Sure enough at the end of the day he was waiting for me.
"You know where Yunna is?" I ask him.
"I figured you would know sense she's like hooked to ya," he chuckles but I sighed.
I get ready to leave and I get a message.

Cierra: Meet me at the old ware house I have something important to show you.

Thats weird she never texts me so it must be important. I quickly respond,

Me: On my way

I then alert Tyler that I gotta run. I get there as fast as my legs can go and I feel nervous. Not like asking your crush out nervous more like the pit in your stomach. I open the door slowly and let the outside light shine in.
"Oh my god.." I fall backwards to the floor. This cant be real, its all a nightmare I kept telling myself. But this was real. This was no nightmare.

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