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Michaels POV

"You gonna be okay kid?" Officer Oakwood asks with concern filling his voice.
"Im okay." But isn't that what everyone says. We say things like 'I'm okay' or 'I'm fine' as a way to prevent others from worrying about us. But no matter how hard you try, some people still want to help. And some people need help. No matter how hard I deny it, I need help. I'm only 17. How could my life be ruined within a day like this.
"Kid we gotta get down to business. What was Yunna doing at your house?" I look nervous I'm sure but John understands. He's seen everything I've been through today. The absolute hell that is following me today.
"She texted me, as soon as I got home."
"What did the text say kid?"
"She was saying she heard what happened and that she was coming over." I shuttered.
"Wait theres been no info released especially that early."
"I know." Suddenly I remember something.
"John we need to go to her house. Now!" He looks confused.
"Sorry kid but we gott-"
"Shut the hell up and listen to me! We need to go now!" I seem to get through to him and he nods as me and him sprint to his cruiser. He tells another officer to follow behind him in their cruiser. We get in johns car and he peels out. He flicks on his siren as does the officer following us.
"Thats her house!" I point to a run down Asian style house with no lights on. He stops his car and looks at me.
"What are we gonna find in here Mike?"
"I d-don't know sir."
"Glovebox kid. You may need it." I open the glove box to find a 6 inch combat knife. I take and feel shaky. Next thing you know officer john hops out of the car.
"Alright move in!" He yells to the other officer. I simply follow behind. We approach the door and the other officer kicks the door open.
"BPD COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" But the house is silent, to silent. We walk straight until we see a bedroom to a right with the door cracked. Officer Oakwood puts his hand on the door.
"Ready?" Me and the other officer nod in unison. Without hesitation he slides the door open. It smells like a dump and all i can hear is the buzzing of flys. Oakwood shines his light in and illuminates a dog cage it the middle of the room. I step closer till I realize whats inside. I let out all small scream and fall backwards. This is nothing compared to the rest of today.
"Jesus christ. Its Mrs. Adair," Oakwood states finally figuring it out, the other officer begins vomiting. Most likely from the god awful stench.
"Jesus Lopez if you cant handle then go fucking wait outside," Oakwood flips on the other officer who is apparently named Lopez, "The kids taking it better than you." Lopez just runs out.
"I'm proud of you Mike." John nods at me. It helps me feel a little more brave. I stand up and look at the body. Its almost nothing but bone. Yunna killed her. But its what this bitch deserves.
"Yunnas a god damn killer," John mutters.
"This bitch deserved it," I take a sharp breath and held back tears.
"What do you mean kid?"
"She beat Yunna every god damn day.." I began crying, "I couldn't even save her, so she had to save herself.."
"She defended herself?"
"Y-yes they use to lock her in this cage and starve her for days on end." The memories of her abuse was too much.
"This woman may have deserved it but Yunna shouldn't have taken things into her own hands," John says through gritted teeth, "I cant imagine what she went through and police never helped that poor girl, that was survival but killing Cierra, thats plain murder kid." He was right. Why would she murder in cold blood? Thats not the Yunna I know. Just then Johns radio goes off.
"~Officer Oakwood we have a situation at the hospital! We need you down here now, over!~"
"Fucking hell what's happening now?" We waited but there was nothing but static on the other end.
"Kid we gotta go now! Something must've happened to officer Mahlep!" Officer Mahlep.. thats Tylers dad. If something happens to him Tyler would be devastated. Me and John sprint full speed to the cruiser.
"Lopez get to Bogota Hospital NOW! Theres a situation!" Without a second of hesitation he floors it. Lights flashing, sirens blaring. I see everything flying by. My head is spinning from the speed. We are easily going 95 down a 25 road. We see the lights of the hospital up ahead and he starts slowing down and pulls into the hospital parking lot. Without even parking John jumps out, I follow suit. We both are running in the the hospital and take the elevator to the 4th floor, where Mahlep is, where Yunna is. We get off and both gasp in unison. Mahlep is dead throat sliced open and a look of fear frozen on his face. God what is Tyler gonna do? His mom already left him now his dads dead. This is gonna crush him. I feel my heart ache at the thought of it. Why do so many people have to die because of me? How many more are gonna die before she stops..
"Where the hell is she," john whispers as he realizes shes not in her room. Just then we hear her giggle over the speakers.
"Hi honey I'm so sorry I'm not with you right now but I promise after I cut up these little piggies we will be together at last!" She begins laughing maniacally, "I love you Sweetie I wont take long!" Shes fucking nuts. Shes willing to kill a police officer to get to me.
"HELP M-" We hear an officer scream from down the hall and go to look the vent on the ceiling is open and the officer is dead. We turn to run and there she is. Standing behind us with blank eyes and looks at me.
"Hi boo-bear!" She yells to me then looks John in the eyes and smiles that evil smile, "You're the last obstacle officer!" She laughs hard.
"Yunna why are you doing this?" John questions.
"I just wanna be with Mikey," she twitches and giggles, "but everyone keeps trying to TAKE HIM!!" She lunges at John with a scalpel and I step in the way. The scalpel cuts into my chest making a massive slice going diagonally down my chest. I fall to my knees and I feel dizzy from blood loss. I look up and Yunna drops the scalpel and covers her mouth with her hand. She starts crying profusely.
"Mikey oh my god im so sorry oh no oh god baby please stay with me!" John tackles her and puts cuffs on her as she screams for me. My vision starts going black and my body collapses. Yunnas looking me in the eyes crying as my world goes black.

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