11. Minho

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Lee Minho has never been the type to show emotions or act upon them, but you on the other hand? You were an absolute whirlwind of emotions.

Sad, happy, anxious, ecstatic, anything.

Most would see you as a beacon of light, expressions and emotions shining through. The stars could only dream of the brightness that holds within you.

This Medallion-like aura swarmed you and it was intoxicating to Minho. Never did he once show it though, besides the occasional small smiles and heart eyes.

The two of you just...fit. 

It was like a match made in heaven. You were this sun-graced person, while Minho was your moon, night and day, it was too good to be true.

And as you sit there in front of the blank-faced boy with tears in your eyes, Minho swears he sees the light in you dim ever-so-slightly. Weak, night sky eyes looking at him and quickly darting away as you hide your sadness from him.

He watches your gloomy face form curl into itself, shielding whatever and whoever comes your way. Minho doesn't care though, his feet moves quicker than his brain as he travels to you with ease.

"What happened, love?" He questions you gently, surprised that his voice is steadier than he thought it'd be. His hand lands on your back gently, rubbing in soothing circles.

Your sobs grew louder, cringing away from his touch as you shake your head 'no'. You flop onto the bed, curling under the blanket as you hold your boyfriend's pillow between your arms.

It's kind of ironic how you don't want to be coddled by your lover, yet you use his pillow as your solid ground for consolation. 

He sighs, scooting forward as he pulls the duvet off, giving himself a clear view of your tear-stained face. Your expression is almost pained, lids closed in fear of looking your boy in his eyes.

Minho doesn't say another word, slowly shimmying under the covers and pulling you in his arms. His chin lays neatly atop your head, fingers running up and down your spine as a clear indication that he's here.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but just know that I'll listen," he begins and you hear him sniffle as his hand leaves the small of your back and wipes the tears from his face.

"I love you, okay? I love you so much." he says, voice quiet as a mouse so that you're the only person who can hear him despite it being only the two of you in the room.

It's only now that Minho realized how much your solar aura is too good for this world. Your view on the world surrounding you much more lovely than his. Well, that's until you entered his life.

you made him feel...lovely.

He inhales like he's nervous, "Y/N, you're truly a force to be reckoned with. You are made up of love, you're brighter than the sun and I love you." he says, stopping himself as he allows his walls to crumble, tears slipping past his eyes easily.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." he repeats, protective hold getting tighter as he pulls you closer than humanly possible. Your cries soon die down, breath steady as you finally decide to speak up.

"I love you too, Minho." you gently whisper, pulling away to look up at him. His smile like nothing you've seen before. It's like he'd been touched by your alchemy, eyes glowing with pure love and light.

It's truly an honor to see your lover this way. So open and willing to show you such vulnerable parts of himself. You leave a peck on his chin before snuggling your head back into his chest.

He kissed right above your hairline, chin returning to the top of your head as the two of you drift off to slumber.

Minho's your moon, and you're his sun. Two separate beings who come together to form something beyond beauty can be described. 

Your hearts bond together as if you were one person and I you're being quiet honest, you're not sure where he begins and where you end.

You melt into one another.

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