16. Felix

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You're asleep peacefully in your room. Lights dark, air conditioner at full blast, a little night light on your desk illuminating the room with a golden ambience, just the way you like it.

That is, until you hear your phone ring. You groan, your eyes barely open. You snatch your phone off the bedside table and read the caller id. 'Yongbok 🤩🔪'.

You slide the answer button and you hear the sound of your best friend yelling into the phone at 3:15 in the morning.

"Y/N! HURRY AND GET YOUR ASS AWAKE! WE'RE GOING ON A HIKE." You can practically hear the grin on his face as he tells you to wake up.

You whine and protest, flailing around on the bed. "Felix... the sun isn't even up yet! Can't it wait til morning?"

"Well, technically, it already is morning and I'm already on the way to your house. Therefore, I will not be taking no for an answer. Hurry up and get changed! See ya in a bit!" Felix chuckles, and before you could say anything more, he ends the call.

"This bitch did not just-" You groan loudly into your pillow and throw the blanket off your body, having no choice but to get up and get ready.


You fix your hair before grabbing your phone and stuffing it into your bag, your eyes still half open. You hear a loud knock at the door and you drag your feet towards it. As you pen the door, the first thing you see is the spawn of satan who practically forced you to get up.

Lee Yongbok.

As soon as your eyes landed on his figure, you immediately hit him on the head, sending a glare his way.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for!?" Felix huffs, patting his head.

"For waking me so early in the morning! Who the hell wakes up at this time on a goddamn Saturday!?" You glare at him, crossing your arms. Irritation visible on your features.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I forgot you need your beauty sleep." Felix says, patting your head, a smirk plastered on his face making you roll your eyes.

This guy just really loves to push your button in the most annoying way possible.

"Ugh. Whatever. Let's just go and get this over with." You said, grabbing his shirt, pulling it as he follows you like a lost puppy.

Felix quickly locks the door behind you and laughs as you stop in your tracks, turning to him with your hand extended. He takes the map out of his pocket and hands it to you.

Truth be told, you two have been planning on going for a hike for weeks now. You told him to set a date that you both would be free. Who knew he'd schedule a hike at 4 in the morning?

You continue to drag him along, and Felix's heart can't help but flutter when he sees you in front of the rising sun. The orange and yellow hues of the sun, reflecting on your face, your wavy hair that you let fall past your shoulders, blowing against the wind.

"You look really beautiful like this, you know?" He suddenly says making you surprised. A pink hue slowly creeps onto your face, and you look at anything but him.

"Yah! D-Don't say stuff like that out of the blue..." You say, smacking his shoulder playfully as you try to calm your flustered state. He laughs, pushing his hair back.

"It's true though. I, Lee Yongbok, never lies!" Felix confidently says with a big grin on his face.

Your face morphs into a face of fake disgust as you turn away from him. He laughs at your reaction, shaking his head. Both of you carry on walking along the road, leading to a mountain. But by the time you get there, your legs practically feel like jelly.

"Y/N~ Don't tell me you're tired already- we haven't even started climbing yet!" Felix whines, crossing his arm as he stared down at you who was already crouching.

You wipe the drop of sweat off your face, and stood  straight. A sudden wash of determination fills you, you grab Felix's hand, and you run up.


After seven minutes of walking, all that determination was down the drain. Felix laughs at your tired state and grabs the edge of his shirt. He gently holds your head and helps you wipe the sweat off your forehead. You look up at him, and Felix swears he wanted to kiss you right then and there.

He hands you his water bottle and you open the cap. A gust of wind suddenly breezes, and you, being the clumsy paper doll, falls onto the dirt full of pebbles and rocks. You groan, holding your knee.

"Are you fucking joking?" You say, looking at the wound on your knee as blood starts to appear. Felix frowns, seeing your furrowed brows indicating that you were in pain. He quickly grabs some ointment from his bag and a bandaid.

"Be careful next time. I can't believe you fell down just from a gust of wind- ow! Don't hit me-!" He giggles as he sticks the bandaid onto your knee and pulls you back up. A frown made its way to your face as you continued to smack his arm.

"We're barely up into the mountain and you're already injured, how clumsy Y/N." Felix says, patting your head with a smirk on his face.

"I swear to God, Lee Yongbok, if you don't shu-" Your words were then cut off by a sudden contact on your forehead.

It took you atleast a few seconds to registered what happened and you then realized that Felix had kissed you.

You weren't expecting the sudden gesture --- which was why you immediately froze, your face feeling hot all of a sudden as a dark shade of pink dusts your ears and cheeks.

"You look so cute all flustered~" He teases, smiling from ear to ear. 

"S-Shut up already! You're just saying that 'cause you're my best friend! It's not like you like me or something..." You mutter the last part, but Felix hears it. He sucks in a deep breath, grabbing your shoulders gently, lifting your chin up to meet in the eye.

"And that's where you're wrong. Y/N, I've liked you for God know's how long. Ever since that day we cuddled up on the couch to watch movies, I could never stop my heart from beating a million miles per hour when I'm with you." Felix confesses, his ears turning pink and a small smile forms on his face.

The butterflies in your stomach keep multiplying in numbers. You stand there in surprise, your eyes wide and lips parted, unable to say anything and Felix just can't hold back anymore.

He gently cups your face with both hands, closes his eyes, and kisses you. Your brain is rendering for a few seconds, before you finally kiss him back. The smiles still linger on your face as you both pull back, and you face your best friend, now boyfriend, with a new found feeling of love.

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