12. Hyunjin

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You were making your way around your apartment with swinging hips, beats blasting through your headphones, a hum on your lips.

You were meant to be tidying, cleaning up your small apartment, however, the boring task you started mid-morning was still not done.

You had caught yourself diverging from your set jobs more times that you could count, but no matter how many attempts you made at refocusing your attention back to clearing the clothes off the floor or wiping down surfaces, nearly every couple of minutes you involuntarily break into song and dance.

The clock that sat upon your side table had just clicked over to 3pm, but you just turned up the volume, the hum of tunes on your lips now becoming louder. 

With a dusting cloth in hand swinging above your head, and hips moving from side to side, you 'grooved' around your room, giving the empty space your all.

Although, so involved with your 'cleaning', the repeated knock at your door remained unnoticed, you didn't hear it open, nor do you hear your name being called.

Hyunjin peered his head around the entryway and took one step into your apartment, dumping his bag on the polished floorboards, expecting to be met with your wide smile.

However, he found himself alone in the open space that was your lounge.

Confused at first, believing the apartment to be unoccupied, his gaze fell on clothes strewn over the couch, a plate with half eaten toast and a tea stained cup resting on your wooden coffee table, and a glowing TV, the muffled voice of a news anchor filling the room.

However, it was the hallow squawk that sounded from down the corridor that let him know you were home.

As he slowly made his way closer to the noise, a wince appeared on his face, and it stayed there.

Palms rising to protect his ears from the sound of your unrelenting, off-pitch screeching, he made his way to the doorway of your room.

There he saw you.

You with your back to him, hair half out of your high bun, violently moving to a beat he couldn't hear.

Leaning against the arch of the entryway, he removed his palms from his ears and brought them to cross his chest.

A smile broke out across his face, an involuntary giggle coming out of his mouth.

You stayed unaware however, tunes too loud, too immersed, going hard.

It wasn't until mid-twirl you noticed him standing there, laughing.

Frozen, you quickly snatch the headphones off your head, arms dropping limp and face immediately reddening.

"Jinnie!" you gasp, "what are you doing here?!"

You had not expected him for another three hours, you had plans for those three hours!

Some of those plans had been a possible shower, getting changed in something other than your pajama top and sweatpants, or hell, maybe even brushing your hair?!

"Oh! nice to see you too, baby," he said, a smile from ear-to-ear. "Those are some real moves you've got there!"

Oh my god, you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you whole.

It wasn't like Hyunjin hadn't seen you dancing before in the two years you had been together, he has witnessed your numerous drunken shenanigans, especially when an 80s shuffle came on.

For goodness sake, you both jam out regularly together - rap battles included.

But there is something different, and completely embarrassing about being caught in the act.

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