Chapter SEVEN

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Big yikes!!!
Sorry that it's been well over a month since I last uploaded an actual chapter.
It was a good break, and I got ideas for new books that I wanted to put out.
But soon I will be studying again so less time for updates but my goal is to upload at least once a week, doesn't matter which book.

~ This all is still happening when Valerie is unconscious is the Med Bay (just FYI) ~

It's now night time on Pandora. The three moons casting enough light for Jake to see in the darkness of the forest. Different types of creatures are active, making Jake look around nervously at all the new different sounds.

With Valerie now on the ground, Jake takes out a box of matches and places it between his teeth before taking off his jacket and wraps it around the butt end of his make-shift spear. And moves to a tree-trunk that has thick sap, before jamming the makeshift torch into the sap, soaking the shirt with it.

Jake looks around nervously as he can hear the noises of creatures he does not know, are too close. As he is crouched besides Valerie, Jake tries to light a matchstick, but he is too nervous and too busy looking around to see what he is doing.

After a few more stricks, Jake finally manages to get the matchstick a flamed and lights up his makeshift torch.

Now able to see Jake grabs the makeshift torch and quickly spins around. The creatures all growl at the source of light. Their reflective green eyes looking at him, while others cocked their heads looking at Valerie.

With great difficulty, Jake picks Valerie up on his back. Making sure she was secured first, before walking backwards away from the creatures. Brandishing the torch in warning as the creatures got too close towards him.

Jake maneuvers himself between trees and rocks to get away, but they just keep following. The creatures let out a sound, which reminded Jake of a hyena's psychotic laugh.

He could their psychotic laughs above, which makes him look up nervously to see one crossing a tree limb overhead. Great just what he needed, creatures that can attack him from any angle.

Having enough of this, Jake decides to run and maneuver himself, with great difficulty, around the rocks. In his panic he runs into a clearing but stops dead in his tracks, his grip on Valerie tightens as he sees more of the creatures in front of him.

The psychotic barks become more intense as they signal each other, getting excited. Jake whirls around, shoving the torch at the creatures. Causing them to back away and let out snarls and hisses at the light.

Now half a dozen are circling him in the open, and he sees what he's up against. The creatures are six-limbed with shiny chitinous skin, their paws leathery. Their piercing intelligent green eyes and glistening black teeth in dead white gums.

Jake realising he is outnumbered and wishing that Valerie was awake to help him out.

"I don't have all goddamn night! Come on!" Jake shouts at the creatures. "Come on!" With snarls and a blur of motion they attack.

Jake spins and slams the torch end into a leaping creature, which let out a pained yelp, Jake turns to see from above another about to leap on him. But Jake stabs the creature in the chest.

Jake is amazed that he's managed to hold Valerie on his back for this long.

But that amazed leaves his body as the momentum of the creature causes Jake to fling back letting go of the torch and dropping Valerie, who landed with a loud thud. Jake winced.

Jake quickly gets to his feet and draws his knife from his waist, flipping it expertly. One of the creatures tackles Jake to the ground, but he manages to overcome it and kill it by slashing at the throat of the creature

Standing back up, Jake saw five of the creatures surrounding Valerie. As Jake goes to sprint to save his friend, he felt something grab his ankle. Which causes him to fall to the ground.

While Jake is busy with the creatures, he didn't notice that Valerie has woken up.

~With Valerie just as she was waking up~

As soon as Valerie was connected to her Avatar body, she could feel that something was different.

Letting out a groan, she opened her eyes. But let out a gasp as she was surrounded by Viperwolves. Every single one of them was looking at her, their psychotic laughs and their constant nudging at her body caused her to freeze.

Valerie is so confused as to why the Viperwolves are not harming her. She's read every single book there is on Pandora, all it's flora and fauna.

But this, she is not prepared for.

As she moved, she let out a pained hiss. Her hands flying to her waist as she remembers why she got it in the first place.

With wide eyes Valerie didn't have to look for long, seeing that Jake is surrounded by lots of Viperwolves. Her eyes widen in horror as he fought them off.

As she tried to stand, the Viperwolves that surrounded her pushed her back down onto the ground, all nudging her into a sitting position.

Valerie could only look on in confusion, not hearing Jake calling out for her to 'help' and 'to get away from them.'

As soon as Valerie came too, she noticed something different.

There was a Na'vi woman.

And she was helping.

Alright, that's a good enough stopping point. I'm sorry that it's taken me almost 2 months to finally get a chapter.
I don't have my son with me, as I had to give him to my sister to look after while our house gets renovated.
So I was finally able to get a chapter out.
I'll be starting "school" sometime next month so that means less time with fanfictions, but hopefully, I can work out a schedule.
Until next time frens
Love you all
And thanks for being patient with me
Much love

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