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Sorry for the long wait you guys :( but uh... here's chapter 3

"So, how much link time have you logged?" Grace asked as we all walked/wheeled into the linking chamber.

"About 520 hours." Norm replied.

"That's good. Valerie?" Grace asked as she looked at me.

"Roughly around 512 hours." I said to her causing her to nod her head.

"You're in there." Grace pointed to the second link chamber for Norm. "You're here." Grace showed Jake as she walked over towards the wall panels. "How much have you logged?" Grace asked not bothered to even look at him.

"Zip. But I read a manual." Jake said causing myself to snort, knowing for the fact that he's joking and haven't even read the damn thing.

I saw Grace turn around with a look of one of shocked and annoyance before looking at me and pointing to the one on the other side of link chamber 4, so I'm guessing that was my chamber that I get linked to for my avatar.

"Tell me you're joking." Grace asked slightly annoyed before she spoke to me. "You're in 5." Grace said causing me to smile at her before nodding at Jake and walking over towards chamber link #5 where I saw a women waiting with a smile on her face.

"Hi I'm Hannah and all what you have to do it lie down and let your mind go blank." Hannah explained causing myself to nod at her.

I could still hear what Grace was talking about as I waited for Hannah to set up the link.

"This is cool." I heard Jake say before Hannah said that the link was ready causing myself to get onto the linking chamber thing and lie down. Hannah then started to explain some stuff but I didn't pay attention, as soon as the lid closed I completely let my mind go blank as I closed my eyes.

It wasn't long before I groggily opened my eyes again before quickly shutting my eyes as I saw a harsh white glare. I slowly opened my eyes again and saw that two people were hovering over me, on my left was a female and on my right was a male.

"Valerie, can you hear me?" The female asked causing me to nod my head as I looked over towards the male only to get a torchlight in my eyes.

I knew the torchlight was for testing for my pupils in my eyes but damn, that was one hell of a beam.

"Alright we're gonna take this all nice and slow alright?" The male said causing me to look over at him.

"Yeah, please take as long as you need." I replied, I found out that my voice was a lot different then my normal voice.

As they finished with the test they told me to sit up slowly and with that I did but than I realised I didn't get a good look at myself. I looked down and saw that I was in a hospital gown that went to my shins causing me to groan because I hate clothes that stop at my shins it either has to be floor length or it has to stop before my knees (this is true I really do hate clothes like that because it doesn't show off your legs!!! >,<) on another note we continued to do some more test before I turned around and saw Norm touching his thumb to his fingers causing myself to smile.

"Alright Valerie we're gonna do something that may make you light headed alright." Ben the guy who I figured his name out was said as I stopped touching my thumbs to my fingers as I realised I can properly use all my limbs but not walk yet.

"And that is Ben?" I asked but then my ears twitched as I heard Jake coming into his avatar body causing me not to listen to the people in front of me as I watched Jake.

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