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Hey all, so to be clear since this book is still using the same concept and old ideas/writing I will tend to forget some things and change so I hope all will understand as I do not mean to cause you any confusion within the story.
Somethings are a little blur just trying to remember how it was working and were I was going from there.


After finish looking at our Avatar's, Jake had to start blogging which is funny because he has no idea how to do it.

"Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log?" Jake questioned causing Norm, Max and I to stop what we were doing and look at him.

"Yeah, we gotta get in the habit of documenting everything. You know, what we see, what we feel. It's all part of the science." Norm explained.

"And good science is good observation." Max added.

"Plus it'll help to keep you sane for the next six years." Norm said causing me to hit the back of his head before speaking.

"Don't worry Jake, you'll get use to all of this since it's your first time, the more you end up doing the less confused you will be." I said smiling causing Jake to smile back and turn back towards the camera.

"All right. Whatever. So, uh... Well, here I am, doing science." Jake said to the camera causing me to smile slightly and getting back to helping Norm.


After Jake finished blogging, Max took Norm, Jake and I to go see Grace Augustine. I seriously can't wait to seen her, since I'm a huge fan of hers.

As we were walking to what I figured was the linking room were we link to our avatars, which I was correct about when I asked.

"Attention. Drivers coming out of link." I heard a woman on the PA said as we all walking into the room.

"Who's got my goddamn cigarette? Guys! What's wrong with this picture?" I heard another woman say as she get out of the link thing.

"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandora botany." Norm explained with a hint of excitement in his voice as he talked about her which caused me to smile.

"Well, that's 'cause she likes plants better than people." I say nudging Norm in the side causing him to smile at me.

As we were walking we stopped near link number 4 which I guess was her one.

"Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball." Max joked causing me to smile. "Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Valerie Morgan and Jake Sully." Max introduced us.

"Norm, Valerie. I hear good things about you two. How's your Na'vi?" Grace asked Norm and I completely shutting out the fact of Jake's presence.

"May the All Mother... smile upon our first meeting." Norm said.

"Not bad. You sound a little formal." Grace said back.

"I studied for five years... but there is much to learn." Norm said back.

Grace then nodded her head slightly impressed before turning her head in my direction waiting for me to speak.

"I see you, may Ewya bless our meeting Grace." I said smiling as I talked in Na'vi to her.

"I see you, Valerie. A little formal as well but your Na'vi is better then what I have expected." Grace said, as she was impressed with my Na'vi skills.

"Yes well Na'vi has seemed to be like a second language to me, ever since Finn..... But I still need to learn more." I said slightly chuckling at the end.

"Uh, Grace? This is Jake Sully." Max said gaining Grace's attention towards him and Jake.

"Ma'am." Jake said holding out his arm for her to shake.

"Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PhD who trained for three years for this mission?" Grace said speaking to Jake before looking at Max for the last part.

"He's dead." Jake said bluntly causing tears to threaten to spill from my eyes as I thought about Tom. "I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone." Jake finished speaking.

"How much lab training have you had?" Grace asked looking down at Jake.

"I dissected a frog once." Jake said causing me to face palm at how blunt he was being.

'oh Jake that wasn't the answer she wanted.' I thought to myself biting my bottom lip.

"You see? You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge." Grace said as she started to walk away.

"No, Grace, I don't think that's a good idea." Max pleaded.

"No, man, this is such bullshit! I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department." Grace yelled out as she walked out of the room.

"Here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use big words." Max said to Jake before walking away.

"Well that went well." I said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." Jake said.

"Come on let's go." I said before walking back towards the lab with Jake following behind me.

That is all for this chapter and gosh am I so tired. I only had to change the old name into the new and fix a few things but damn TAFE (which is another form of uni in a way here in Australia) assignments are getting hectic had Tutorial today and my eyes hurt from reading from a laptop which is weird since that never happens

But anyways until next chapter my friendos

Have a lovely day/night and I shall see you in the next chapter

Buh bye

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