thirty // Pick A Side

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"What is this?" My mom looked shocked, hand on her chest as if it was the most shocking thing she'd ever seen "Mom, it's just Devin, be surprised if I was bringing home Bill Gates or something" Devin kissed my mom on the cheek as well as a bro hug with my dad, the two chatted over what he was cooking which Devin found really interesting, I on the other hand have heard this tale one too many times!

Devin and I are going out for lunch, nothing new, it's just what friends do... He insisted that we hang out some more, make sure the love doesn't die down and by love he meant like friendship and connection, not necessarily the whole 'us' dynamic. I agreed because I hate leaving things a mess when it shouldn't even be that way, it's a leaf that everyone should really turn to! 

"What are you doing tonight?" I questioned, figured I might take him out and break it to him that I'll be leaving because my gut can't do that now and plus I'd like to do it more privately with much less paparazzi and other people who could possibly be listening in on our conversation

"Nothing much, just going to hang out with a couple of the boys why? You trying to ask me out on a date?" He looked up from the menu with a smirk on his face, I chuckled "Ha- ha! I was just trying to see if you were busy but I'm sure we can definitely reschedule, definitely not trying to interfere with the bros!"I admitted, backed out, chickened and just went with it!

"You sure? Anything important?" He questioned, raising his hand for the waiter, shook my head "Nothing too important, just life changing" I nervously chuckled making it seem as if I were joking but truth be told it is life changing. 

"Okay then, we'll set a date like Saturday?"

"How about Monday? I've got a photoshoot thing on top of the Keeping Up interviews" I'm definitely not pushing the date because I'm scared, I'm sure what I have to tell him shouldn't even make a difference in his plans whatsoever, he seems just fine and could use some freedom and without feeling the need of reuniting the both of us

"Even better! Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?"

"All of the above? Special requests needed" 

Tonight I just decided to have a girls night, Kylie insisted she host this one at her house since Travis has Stormi in Texas, she's following them in two days, just needed some mommy and friends time. All of our L.A's girls club friends were there, the same ones that came to my rescue as I'd been at my lowest point when I knew I could just simply walk away.

"Being a mom is the best feeling in the world, don't get me wrong, but having some self care and alone time is very hard to come by. If the opportunity presents itself to me, I will take it! Remember that ladies!" Kylie wandered around the halls looking for her phone, a spa night is probably the most brilliant thing to ever do! A portion of us are getting massages, the other are getting a pedi while the rest of us are getting a mani with complimentary drinks of course! My poison? Tequila, no chaser, call me crazy but that's how I like my alcohol! 

I chose the massage to be my last stop so I can be more relaxed, no need to wait hours to fall asleep when I'm already half asleep on this massage chair for a good couple of hours and then I'd get into a really deep and perfectly overwhelmed sleep! It's a really bright idea if you ask me, that's why I only get massages in the evening and never in the morning because it'll just have me all droopy and having barely any energy to get shit done. 

sofiarichie: 🍾🍾🍾

stassiebaby: you wish 

winnieharlow: BIG girls only, no kids allowed!

The series of pictures showed us in pink KYLIE SKIN bathrobes , different poses and shots but they get the gist of it- it's a members only night! With our very busy schedules with photoshoots, acting, businesses and interviews, we'll take advantage of the time we're all free because in this world- everyday is a workday. 

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