twenty seven // do you even know me?

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Today Devin and I are in New  York at the Buzzfeed headquarters, we're doing an interview that involves puppies and some questions regarding on how much do we really know each other and we're particularly confident on this despite the fact that we haven't seen the questions at all. It's a hardworking relationship, really serious stuff.

It was a chilly autumn morning but the studio was actually quite warm, I wore blue jeans and a white supper cropped v neck shirt that had  SLMZ  emrboidered in tiny cursive on the bottom left of the shirt with the yeezy boost statics on my feet and my face? That's Kylie and Kim with the smell of my newfound favorite mix of perfume! I switch it up depending on the occasion and the fit, if you smell fancy but you're looking like a first day of school outfit- that's not a match. Always match your smell with your outfit! Devin was an easy fit, boys don't need a lot of attending to- Devin had a black shirt, blue jeans with the usual rips on the knees and airforces!

"Oh I like this one!" I paused reading the card, I looked back at Devin with a ton of dogs on his lap "How did I decide my major? Or what inspired me?"

"Oh baby that's easy, Greys Anatomy"

I laughed so loud and kissed one of the puppies instead of my boyfriend "You got that right"

"Is it my turn?" Devin asked as he reached for his own set of index cards "How tall am I?"

"Come on guys we talk about this all the time, give me some hard hitting questions" I hit my set of index cards onto my hand "Then what's the answer? Do you even know this 'cause I feel like you lowkey don't"

I scoffed at his ploy to get me to answer "Baby you're 6 foot 5, just a couple inches taller than me. You don't think I size you up?" I winked at him and at the camera as Devin lost it, laughing so much he had to lay down

"Oh this is easy- how many siblings do I have?"

"Let's see, you have Tutu, Maceo, Sadie and-"

"Don't forget my moms new- I'm just playing y'all she's not pregnant, oh but I wish she was" I stuck out my lips into duck form as I batted my eyelashes some more, my mom's going to cry watching this!

"When and where did we first meet?"

"I think, no I know, it was at a D's LA party uh when he first bought that house- it was almost a year ago, 10 months ago to be exact, you were wearing those black jeans with rips to knees and a plain ass white tee with a lipstick stain on the back of your shirt from when a girl tripped on you and by girl I mean me"

"That was so funny, like guys, I was talking to my friends and doing my thang and then I feel someone's whole head just hit my back and I was like yo not on my white shirt. She had those red lipstick on, it was fresh paint too so it was like damn "

"I apologized though, I bought him the same exact shirt when we uhm, first started dating, call me thoughtful" I shrugged my left shoulder and smiled as I batted my lashes a little bit more

"We have to stop fooling around or they won't ask us to come back again" I joked around laughing

"What sports did I play in high school and what do I play now?" I read on the index card, patting it on the floor as I welcomed the puppies into my arms, if squeezing them didn't hurt them I would so do it, puppies are like babies, so cute you feel like you're going to explode

"You did soccer, I think you were captain too right?" Devin thought some more as I nodded my head "Lets see, you did hurdles for track and field and you did baseball instead of softball because you didn't like how softball worked and you did that for I think- you told me eight years? I'm right? Of course, free throw shot"

"Did cheer and dance but I don't even think those are sports but go for it"

"Ugh whatever but baby you're missing one more, how can you miss this one!"

"Your dad made you play basketball but you quit after two years because you wanted to be what's that one thing called where you're on a horse and you race?"

"Babe... equestrian?" I looked at him trying so hard not to laugh, he nodded at me clapping in laughter "Yeah! You did that your whole life but you stopped because your horse Miss Martian died but you got a new horse though but that's just for funsies now"

I laughed "too good at this, y'all  are not going to see us fail- we're winners y'all" Devin pointed at all of the cameras that was recording us "It's DESAY in the house baby all you see are fresh 3s and championships" He added

"What was the name of my first dog?"

"Like ever? Knight and it was a black lab"

"She's got photographic memory and I pay attention, if this was a class it'd be an easy A."

"Two more questions" The director and producer announced

"Who is my favorite artist?"

"That's me" He winked at the camera and grabbed my face kissing me

"Baby you're an athlete not an artist" I explained but of course he's got an answer for everything "You said different but okay"

"Last time we went to a studio" I tried playing it cool but there's no going back from that and honestly I liked that answer even if probably will get us both killed "Popsmoke is her favorite artist"

"What is my career high score?"

"71 but we're working on 72" the inside joke that I hope people would understand rather than take seriously and attack me, the media is a big bitch we cannot escape.

"Can I do a bonus question? Imma do a bonus question" I gave them a thumbs up, it was in the script but the question wasn't there it just said bonus question "What am I wearing right now? Like the scent"

Devin leaned in close and took a couple of whiffs, let's see how good he is "It's definitely not Creed, that's for big events like Christmas parties and stuff, I'm smelling one too many things I don't even know, you mix it up a lot babe this is hard"

"Baby remember what I always do?"

He took another whiff but this time took a second to look at me "It's Tom Ford I think, it's two red bottles that's for sure- Jasmine and- and- and- Lost Cherry, that's your casual look smell"

I screamed, picked up the puppy that was on Devin's lap and put it on mine as I scooted back toward him "To be the best you gotta learn from the best, take notes"

Now that's a wrap! We have one more day here in New York before I go back to school and he goes back to setting a new career high. The taping didn't take that long, we expected it to last the whole day except it actually only lasted two and a half hours, this is called setting the bar high in relationships

We switched into much more comfier clothes and made our way around New York city, hitting every famous corner with the breadsticks, burgers, pizzas- you name it! We ate it!

dbook: set for life!!!!!!

in the picture was me surrounded by the chicken wings, the rotini pasta, the pesto pizza with a couple sides of ranch and a bottle of water. Yes wine was involved but I'm not yet legal and we're not trying to get instagram fined are we?

If you ask me if I think Devin and I are going to last, I sure hope so. It's what God hears every night before I go to bed and what I thank him for when I wake up, of course among other very important things and people as well. I want to be with him when my life is supposed to be where it's supposed to be, I want him there when my life feels like it's falling into the depths of the earth and I want him with me for everything else possible, good and bad. Though the baby talks are scary, it is what I hope to see in our future and I've made it known that he needs to relax on that a little bit. Two years is too soon for a baby.

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