five // Home

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I moved back to L.A because mom said that my bad attitude is turning Cleveland into a big batch of rotten tomatoes and I honestly couldn't agree any more! That place was the wicked witch of the east and he's the kingpin of it all. All that bad energy he's been projecting throughout the city has rubbed off on me but I looked better doing it

"Finish all your homework?" Homeschooling has been where it's at but it took away my high school privileges but my mom said she missed out too and she hasn't regretted it, but that's because my high levels in serotonin and brain cells are through the roof and I've done plenty of convincing that I at least take three classes at a campus nearby- I got a no and a half. 

I nodded "Of course, these brains don't rest until I finish my good deeds that I'm super sure got me into USC" I casually blurted it out as I let my little brother shoot grapes into my mouth

My dad's infamous green eyes darted at me, I couldn't read what it meant, his facial expression was out of the ordinary; is he proud? upset? I can't pinpoint it and it's scary because a black father gets really scary once you don't abide by his laws. BUT HEY, I got into USC without the help of my parents money and fame because I never even told them in the first place.

"Are you serious right now Sage?" His voice too was out of the ordinary

I nodded and formed a tiny smile with just my lips, he pulled me in and hugged me tight. The cameras that recorded everything is proof I'm not a fake fuck who uses mommy's donation to get into school for being the total party girl. 

"God, I'm so proud of you" Dad kissed my forehead

"I wanted to go bigger but then it is kind of my first public- private school thing, we all know why I missed my high school life. That one incident when I was seven that had blood gushing down my face, now that was quite the show" I laughed, I tend to cover up my pain with humor, my therapist said it's a bad thing but I just can't help it, I'm a natural class clown. 

"How does Pebbles feel about all of this?" He referred to my mom- Koko- Koko Pebbles. Their love for each other will always be there but it's just not the same anymore and I'm alright with that, as long as I know there's at least one good guy in my mom's life who will love her the way I do and it's my dad.

I was quiet because of course my mother was the one who said no to this 'wild' idea of mine which will let me reach my grandest dreams. This whole family business being behind camera's is just not for me, I've got goals and with all the privileges I have, I'd be dumb if I don't take advantage of it for my future and my future in helping people.

My dad stared at me as did my little brother who had his arms across his chest 

"How do I have a daughter with my eyes, jack frost colored hair and the height of her mom but this incredible brain of hers-" I cut him off 

"One, I'm 5'11, mom is 5'10. Second she's scary so leave my intelligence out of this old man" I laughed picking up Maceo placing him on my shoulders

"Tell her" He shouted as I left the room.

If you compare me from my family- both sides. I'm the only blond, but on top of that it's platinum blonde and I have never dyed it in my life because my mom says it makes me unique and beautiful. It makes me stand out in all of these Christmas pictures that we have. My skin is not white but a golden toasty color, a perfect match between my amazing parents, the eyes are- thank the Gods from my dad and these annoyingly tall genes comes from both my parents. My mom is 5'10 and my dad is 6'1. My height does not sit well with boys and relationships . I played basketball because of height and I've learned to become great at it but with my height I NEED to go higher because I like high heels and I don't want to always wear flats with my boyfriend whom I level with. 

"Darling your hair, why is it so frizzy?" My grandma fluffed it as Maceo rested his head on my stomach, playing with my phone

"Grandma, it's hot outside"

She shook her head "You are a beautiful black woman with strangely super white hair you definitely got from your mother's side. Your hair might be white as snow but it's got your daddy's  culture's texture." 

My grandma loves my hair, it's white as snow as she says, mixed with the African and White texture. Complicated to say but it's a thing. It frizzes like crazy but it flows real nice and it's sensitive to water which sucks because the beach is my favorite place to go to. 

"Grandma I ran out of the cocoa butter you got me, I was sulking in Cleveland" I rolled my eyes toward her as she laughed real loud followed my a smack on my foot "I know" She left for a couple of minutes and brought down a small box full of that hair butter she used to use to lay my hair. The whitest kids freaked out because it was different and beautifully out of the ordinary. But I've learned to embrace my culture and to stand by it. 

I facetimed my mom about my acceptance to USC and she was upset that I hadn't told her about it but she was happy and I was relieved because if I had to say just kidding I can't attend your school because of my paranoid mother, I was going to die.

I stayed at moms house most times but I hung out at my dad's more. It was lonely. 

"You should try going out sometime" Fai walked through the doors without a knock or even a notice that he was coming

"Dude, honestly. I'd love to but being alone has just been great lately" I looked at him before I could speak again "Come be alone with me and help me decide what to order for dinner"

He sat right next to me, fidgeting his body so his head could lay onto my lap. "We're going to go out for dinner, eat something real and healthy. Look at you, you're losing it"

I smacked his forehead "I do my morning and night ab workout, your eyes are not so 20/20"

We've gotten super close ever since he came waltzing into my house and it's honestly nice. More than nice but I just can't word it properly just yet. 

"You should keep me company more often, it's less boring." I laughed "I got into USC so I guess we'll go on your little forced date" I surprised him as he launched up from my lap and picked me up out of pure excitement and happiness 

"You're a fucking superstar" He paused "Beautiful, Tall, Talented, Annoying and Smart- you've got it all and I'm proud" We were in a long embrace before we returned to the same position but this time we were yelping all the places we should have dinner at

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