thirty five // Bet You Didn't Know

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It's been a good couple of months since I'd last seen my parents, as soon as I get word that my mother is in labor, I'll take a private jet to witness this moment, typically I'm a first class flyer to help the Earth a little bit but on important and once in a life time occasions I have to get there in a nick of time! I've been rooting for my parents for ages, in secret of course....  okay maybe just between Kiki and I, Lovey's opinions are always neutral but deep down inside I know damn well it's always been my dad. It's just the better and only choice

My girls are in town, as if it's as simple as that. Zendaya's staying with me on a low-key work trip; filming and photo shoots. My two other best friends in the world thought that because of this super rare occasion, they thought it'd be a perfect time to go on vacation and crash at my place for the meantime that Z is in the country. One week with them? I'm definitely going to have a hard time adjusting the second they step out of my home, I'm already feeling my heart drop out of my chest

"Oh my GOOOOOOD" Mads screamed, my gaze turning over at her, she waddled over, legs spread apart "I just felt thee most enormous flood of blood come out of my vagina!!" Freaking out with still a bright smile on her face, this is one of the most tedious things about being a woman.

Lili and I watched Mads waddle like a crab into my bathroom, face switching up into disgust. She shut the door, 5 seconds later grabbing a new pair of clean panties stashed in her purple suitcase. This is one of the reasons why I don't have a t.v and maybe because projectors are so much of a better investment. My friends are thee best source of entertainment there is 

"I just finished my period when we left, thank the GODS annnnd my body of course" Lili put her arms up in the air, blowing kisses up at my ceiling, later falling to her chest in prayer hands "I don't think I got my period yet" I stated, the room grew silent. Mads ripped the bathroom door open, sitting on the toilet, her arms clung onto the door knob, staring at me as if I'd just done something horrible.

And with perfect timing, Zendaya stood there frozen under my doorframe, dropping her bags onto the floor followed by a very serious look I know all too well. For a moment the room remained quiet, no words were given, just heated stares. I'm barely in my 20's, I barely started Oxford, my career is my main priority right now and I'm certainly not sure if I'm ready to give it up over a scare.

My head swiftly moving toward each of my girls who had their own forms of expression written across their faces, "Guys, come on, quit that silly ass shit" I laughed off, walking from one corner to the other. Zendaya body blocks me from trying to leave the room, MY room if I might add. Suddenly a girl's week turned into some federal intervention.

This might be really serious, this is freaking me out as much as it might freak them out and I'm not trying to panic right now. I've got bigger things to fry and a pregnancy scare isn't one of them. This happens all the time, I was on birth control for awhile and now that I've been off, my body goes through all these changes to get back to normal but as women, literally anything is possible in every way.

Lili pulled me back and sat me down onto the emerald velvet seat at the corner of my room, "When was the last time you had your period?" Zendaya bombarded, starting the interrogation, hand on the arm of the chair  "Are you on birth control still?" Lili's head kept moving and tilting in every angle. The toilet flushed, water ran and Mads pitched it "Are we going to have to take a test?"

I shot my hands in the air and shook my head all at the same time. Not only is this doing too much but it's also very very overwhelming to me.

"Nope, nuh- uh. We are not going to do this right now" I protested against this mini riot, of course they came at me with fire and ice with the way they all crossed their arms "Answer the damn question Sage" I don't know why but when Z says it, it makes me want to actually start answering the question, she gets scary.

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