twenty six // It's For Real

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"How was the trip in Italy?" Lovey questioned as my mom made it home from her trip with my father, yeah I know, just the two of them, it was totally last minute and definitely unplanned considering my parents NEVER vacation without ME, their child but honestly I think they deserve to let the world know that their love is back on

"It was great"

"Oh yeah I bet" Lovey deepened her voice, rose her brows and I couldn't help but laugh at how she looked and sounded when she'd said that

My mom stared at her weirdly, one brow up and the other down as she ate out of the Oreo cookie jar "Mom"

Kiki chimed in from the round dining table "Khloe, for all we know Williams number two is on the way"

"Oh I like that!" I pointed and high fived my god mother whom I love to call my fairy godparent

"Oh whatever"

"Mom it's probably true, we all have sex here, no one is a virgin and certainly not Lovey" I joked and hugged her right after so she knew that I wasn't actually trying to be serious

"For a second I thought you were going to throw me under the bus" auntie Kimmy grinned remembering her not so very, yellow brick road

Lovey remembered, looked like a light bulb lit right above her head "Kim was married three times! She even had a sex tape!"

"Dude, Lovey that's literally you right now, like mother like daughter" I winked, Kiki handing me a fifty dollar bill because I defended her honor and made it look smooth, my mother shocked that she condones this type of behavior but she too was laughing at how a turn of events this conversation became

Ever since my parents declared that their relationship has been back on since we went to the ice cream museum which was a literal two years ago! I knew they were hiding it, they just wanted to keep it quiet and enjoy time for themselves but to disclose it from their own child is really quite hurtful but at least I know that my suspicions were right. Call me Sherlock Holmes 2.0, the upgraded version

"I'm just super jet lagged"

"That was a week ago Khloe, you can't be jet lagged for a whole week" Kourt reached for the organic ranch in the back of the refrigerator that she stocked for herself considering no one else goes organic in the family other than her so she leaves pieces of organic Kourtney every month, I know, it annoys my mom because it takes up so much space that could be going for something we use

"three weeks ago you mathematician" Mom corrected, the camera's following my mom's movements

Kimmy came in, work out ready but couldn't help but stare at my mom "Khloe you should get checked out, Italy might've given you something"

I laughed "Please don't work out with us, work out alone maybe and then you can use some disinfecting spray after" I nodded as mom flipped me off, walked away but lost her balance, I rushed over and immediately Kim called for a doctor

"no muss no fuss, I'm okay. Probably just need food in my system or something" Kim had finished talking with our family doctor and he's on his way, Kourt felt my mothers forehead and neck to check for her temperature which turned out to be normal, the stuffy nose and eye bags just might be an accessory of elongated jet lag???? I can't even explain what the hell this could be

My dad walked in and worked his way toward the kitchen "You called your dad? really?"

My eyes grew as I looked at Kimmy who just made a big laughing smiling, my dad on the other hand mouthed the words yikes. Kourt on the other hand was on the phone with Lovey, telling her the details so she can get her ass here

"Come on let's go to your room" Dad exclaimed, "no honestly I think I'm fine Jess, it's literally nothing, excessive jet lag"

"We went to Italy a month ago, this is not that" My dad assured, I'm suggesting the flu, damn that means I'll get it too! I don't want the flu

"Where is that damn doctor?" My dad asked as he looked around the house, handed my mom some water and offered the rest of us some

Kimmy went over to the camera crew and asked to not film this, it seemed like a family matter that needed to be kept a family secret. We ripped our microphones off and handed it to them as they wrapped up their gear and made their way toward their cars, I bet you they're glad they get to go home early but annoyed they couldn't get the juice out of this probably life changing event

Lovey got to the kitchen, worried, we woke her up so early. She had gotten serious, took her glasses off and then put it back on, analyzed every inch of her daughter trying to figure out what's actually wrong with her. "I honestly don't know why you're sick but I hope you feel better" Lovey came and hugged my mom and kissed her on the forehead, now she's the favorite child

The family doctor finally made it to the house, he had to do some blood work and my mom was not a fan of needles. He examined her, used the tongue pressers that people love to call popsicle sticks to press onto her to tongue to check on her tonsils that were nowhere near enlarged

"You seem alright, the bloodwork shows normal signs.... Khloe can you be pregnant?" My mom did her deep laughter as Lovey, Kimmy and I joined her, we just had that conversation a couple weeks ago!

"What's so funny?"

"I'll take a test but I need my daughter to take one too"

"I'm on birth control mommy, I think the only person we need to worry about is you" I grabbed the stick and pushed my mom in the bathroom, she dragged me in there with her.

True is a year and a half old, she's almost two and my mom is freaking out because when her belly grows so does Tristan's hot head and let's not forget the media being up my family's business as if who's dick we're into is any of their concerns.

"If you do become pregnant then we have the best unexpected blessing anyone could ever ask for and if you're not then great news but if you're not but you want to be, you have time to try it and many places to make it happen" I comforted my mom in the best way possible, she was so young when she had me, we're close in age and that made us best friends

"Ew don't make me hold it, put it down" I pointed as I turned the faucet on so my mom doesn't contaminate the bathroom with her piss that may or may not depict the future of the Williams #2

My mom and I stood there, talking or me talking about everything that she hasn't heard of, so her mind wanders off somewhere until the results do come in and I'm hoping she is pregnant.

"I'm not pregnant" She told us all, I already knew it, my mom seemed relieved but at the same time she looked like she wanted that stick to he positive

"It might just be the common cold, drink plenty of fluids, I can hand you an IV and be good as new later on"

Devin was over for the weekend, he's playing against the Clippers in a couple of days so I decided to invite him on our Sunday dinners with the family.

"Is your mom okay?"

"She's fine, she's back on her feet and stuff" We sat on the benches, Lovey decided to have dinner on the grass as we view the sun going down, such a poetic woman

My mom and dad waltzed in with big smiles, oh please don't tell me they made some loving before they got here. The nervous sweat dripping down both of my parents faces is quite obvious and if they get any closer to Lovey she'll tell you that you smell like sex! If she had a super power that'd be everything involving sex, her sex drive has hit the roof lately and it's driving everyone crazy

"We're pregnant!" The released ultrasound pictures

"I thought the-"

"The pregnancy test was wrong! I'm carrying Williams number two!" They were full of joy and for fucks sake I was too

"Oh my God congratulations" Devin and I hugged my parents, my dad is in the mood, so much of being in a good mood "I beat you to it" my dad really said that to Devin, I looked over at mom and grew wide eyed as she just laughed hysterically loving every moment of this.

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