"Would you be okay telling us?"

         "Yes." Meredith says once more. The phone is slid out of her hand by Lydia, who waits for her to say the numbers. "It's two, four, three...six." Meredith smiles when she finishes. 

           That's only four numbers. That's not enough to call someone.

        "Mer, we need a few more numbers." Malia says.

        Meredith looks to the side then back. "No, that's the number."

        Two, four, three, six. What could that possible mean? It's not a phone number. Meredith seems pretty confident that it's not anymore numbers. Those four numbers must mean something, right? I whip my own phone out of my pocket. I dial the four numbers, trying to find an answer somehow. What could these possible mean?

        "Phone numbers are ten digits." Malia informs the banshee.

        "That's the number." 

        "Meredith." Lydia snaps, slowly losing her patience. "Phone numbers always have ten digits."

        A panicky look forms in Meredith's eyes. "That's the number."

        "Meredith!" Lydia grips her phone a little tighter in her hand. 

        I grab Lydia by her shoulder, pulling her up and away from Meredith. "Lydia." 

        Sheriff Stilinski lowers his voice to a whipser. "I think that's the best we're gonna get."

        Lydia doesn't make eye contact with either of us, whispering. "No. There has to be more." She sharply spins back around to face the girl on the couch. Her voice much harsh than before. "What's the rest of it, Meredith? Hmm? Just concentrate!"

        "But that's- that's- that's the number." Meredith's eyes fill with tears as she begins to panic. 

        "Lydia." I reach for her arm. She's going to take this too far. 

        She shakes my hand off. "Concentrate!"

         "That's... That's the number. That's the number." Meredith looks up at all of us with watery, red eyes. 

        Lydia walks away, fists clenched. 

        I sit down on the egde of the couch. "It's okay, Meredith. We're-" I gently reach out to touch her shoulder.

        Meredith freaks out, swats my hand away, and stands up. "That's the number!" 

        I wince at her loud scream. 

        "Okay, let's step outside." Sheriff Stilinski sets his hand on Meredith's back, leading her out of the office. Parrish follows behind them, probably thinking it's best to leave the three of us alone. 

        Lydia plops down in the chair behind the desk. Meredith seemed so confident in those numbers. They must mean something. Why would she give us false information? She was here to help us. I retype the numbers in my phone. 

        Malia scoops up the piece of paper that Lydia had written the four digit code on. She crumbles the paper in a ball. 

        The first time, the cipher key was a name. It was Allison's name. What if this one is someone else who had died? Someone that would have been on the dead pool if they were still alive. I stare at the letters that go along with the numbers on the dial pad. A name pops in my head. I retype the letters, staring at the letters. 

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