19- Ignite

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Parrish turns his head towards me, where I am partially reclining back in the passenger seat of the cruiser. His eyes slightly narrow as if he is preparing to ask me some kind of question that will require me to think of a good lie. "Shouldn't you be asking me questions or something?"

I remove my hand out from under my chin. I twist my head to the side until I can fully see his face under the moonlight coming through the windshield. "Yes, I do have a question. Are we going to go through a drive thru or something because I'm starving." I crack a smile when I see that Parrish is unamused. I roll my eyes, sighing. "This assignment is more of an observing thing. We don't write anything down until the whole thing is over. My teacher is weird."

"Uh huh." Parrish keeps his eyes on me, like he is trying to decide if Sheriff Stilinski screwed him over by putting a teenager in his car for the night. "And to answer your question, I normally stop for food around two am."

I glance at the red numbers lit up on the dashboard. A groan slips out of my mouth at the four numbers. "It's only ten thirty four."

"I normally get some kind of call around this time that ties me over for an hour. This is the time of the night that adults think is a good time to get drunk and try to start fights or something among those lines. Sometimes, younger kids try to be sneaky and steal something from a store or gas station." Parrish informs me of his usual night shifts.

"No offense, but it sounds kind of boring." I hold my hands up in mock surrender.

Parrish shifts in his seat, staring out of his window. He parked the cruiser in the middle of some parking lot. There is literally no other car or even person in sight. Why he would pick an empty lot is beyond me, but he is the deputy here, not me. "Well, don't expect anything too exciting tonight. Sheriff told me that he'd give me the easy calls since I've got you with me."

I fight back a yawn while covering my mouth with my hand. "Sounds like perfect napping time."

"What about your assignment?"

I wave my hand in the air. "I'll make something up." I lean back against the headrest, shutting my eyes. "Wake me up if anything exciting happens."

My eyes flash open when some kind of liquid is splashed against my face. Spazzing out, I jerk my hands towards my face, only to find them zip tied to the door. I yank on the zip ties, confused. Something clears drips down off of my face and dripping on my clothes. The strong scent of gas overwhelms my nose and I nearly gag at the potent stench.

The sound of something splashing against the car has me whipping my head around to see what is going on. My gaze lands on Parrish, who is asleep on the steering wheel, hands zip tied to the steering wheel. What the hell is going on? I tug on the zip ties, gritting my teeth in pain when the ties dig into my wrists.

"Parrish." I whisper, hoping not to earn whoever is outside of the car's attention.

The person walking around the car stops by my open window. A red gasoline can is in view when they raise it up to splash the top of the car with gas. Desperatly, I wiggle my wrists around in any attempt to free myself.

"Parrish." I whisper a little louder.

He jerks away, flinging himself backwards away from the steering wheel, still half asleep. A frown settles on his lips once he sees his hands tied to the wheel. His fingers clench and unclench as he watches the figure splash more gasoline on the car walking around us in a circle.

I can't even form a fireball to free myself without setting the whole car on fire. Without my power, I'm basically useless right now. How am I supposed to get Parrish and I out of this situation?

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