24- Missing

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"Mr. Sour Wolf can take a night off." I grin, leading Derek towards the lacrosse field. A sharp glare is sent my way when he hears the nickname I called him. I bump into his side, laughing. "You can thank Stiles for that."

Derek rolls his eyes, yet puts an arm around me. I giggle when I feel his fingers brush against my side. "I hate Stiles. And, I'm doing this for you. Seeing a high school lacrosse game is not something I'd do willing."

"Well, your loft is unavailable at the moment, which is sweet, yet gross because I don't want to imagine what Scott and Kira are doing on their date right now." I tilt my head back to stare up at his face. My nose wrinkles as I think of what is most likely going on with them.

Derek's arm draws me into his chest and we end up stopping in the middle of the grass, the lacrosse field still about fifty feet away. We can see the field lights illuminating the field and the bleachers filled with students and families. The game is probably more than half way through. We probably would have made it on time if I had not complained about being hungry.

"Remind me to decontaminate my loft later." Derek chuckles.

I wrap my arms around his neck, slowly pushing myself up on my toes. "Definitely." I whisper against his lips before kissing him properly. Our chests press up against each other as he holds me tightly against his body. A flashlight shines down on us, unexpectedlly. I gasp against Derek's lips.

We break apart and look in the direction of where the light is coming from. All of the blood drains from my face when I see who is holding the flashlight. With a grim expression on her face, my mother is standing a few feet away. Her eyes dart from me to the grip Derek has on me.

I nervously swallow the lump in my throat. "Mom?"

She lowers the flashlight to the ground. "I think we need to talk."

I slowly pull away from Derek, hands slightly shaking. This is the moment I have been dreading ever since I became friends with everyone. The moment when my mother finds out that I'm friends with werewolves was going to be the day I'm buried six feet under. I step in front of Derek a tad, worried that she may try something.

I bite down on my lip. "Let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain." Mom snaps. The anger and disappointment in her voice is clear enough for a deaf person to hear. "You went against everything I have ever taught you. Werewolves are not to be trusted. You, of all people, know that! Think about Blair."

"Werewolves aren't bad people!" I defend my friends and boyfriend. "We've just had a bad past with some that screwed us over. And, I do think about Blair! I think about her everyday. I think about how I could have saved her."

Mom shakes her head in disapproval. "I can't believe you, Arden! I didn't raise you to be like this. And dating a werewolf?!"

I reach behind me for Derek's hand. "Look, I'm sorry you disapprove of my choices, but this is my life." I look down at the floor for a second. "And, if you're disappointed in me about all of this, then how are you going to feel when I tell you that one of the werewolves that I'm friends with, bit me because I was about to die. He saved my life."

Mom's mouth falls open. "Wha-"

"I'm not a fire kitsune anymore, mom." I stand my ground. "I'm a fox. An Alpha werefox."

Mom opens her mouth to say something, but she stops when Derek cuts her off.

"We gotta go." Derek says. I spin around to see him with his phone pressed to his ear. "Kira and Scott are missing."

Becoming The Vixen (Teen Wolf)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon