11 - Assassin

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        I drive a little faster to Lydia's lake house. Liam is sitting in the passenger seat, the full moon beginning to really affect him, considering he is breathing heavily and I swear I saw his eyes glow for a second. My fingers drum against the steering wheel, slyly glancing over at Liam. Lydia said to follow this road for a few minutes and the house won't be too far away. 

        I glance at the time on the dashboard. It's already eight at night. Derek said for me to meet him at the police station for some odd reason. He's supposed to train me tonight. Why we are meeting up at the police station? No idea.

        I park my car beside Stiles' jeep, leaving my keys in the ignition. Liam doesn't know this, but I don't plan on staying. Besides, there's not really much for me to do here while they handle him. 

        LIam looks around the driveway, frowning. "Where is everyone?"

        "Uh," I walk towards him, grabbing his wrist to drag him along. "We're early. They should be pulling up really soon." I usher Liam inside the dark house. I press my back against the door once I shut it behind us. 

        Liam gawks at my five friends in the room. He turns to back out of the house until he sees me in front of the door. Liam spins back around. "What the hell is this?"

        "Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam." Stiles says.

        Scott takes a step forward. "And we're the only ones that can help."

        I clap my hands together. "And that is my cue to leave."

        Liam whirls around. "You're leaving?"

        "Uh, yeah. I need to go train, but don't worry, you are perfectly safe here, Liam." I reach for the door with my hand behind my back. "I used to be in your position, well, I wasn't bit, but I am a fox and foxes don't get along with wolves. I am really close with these guys now, so I know you will be able to be friends with them, too. Just trust them. They know what they are doing."

        "What?" Liam gives me a ludicris look. 

        I nod. "Right. You have no idea what I'm talking about. Just- Just trust me, okay? You are safe with these guys." I slip out of the door, running back to my car. 

        I knock on the door that belongs to Sheriff Stilinski's office. Deputy Parrish showed me the way after telling me that Derek Hale was in with the Sheriff. Why did Derek want me to come here? We always train in his loft. Personally, I didn't want to come at all. Things feel awkward now. Derek and I kissed and I just want to avoid him as much as possible. Although, I'm kind of thankful that Mr. Stilinski will be here. 

        Mr. Stilinski opens the door and waves me in with one hand. I smile at him, which quickly washes off when I see Derek, leaning up against the desk. My eyes can't help but trail down Derek's body. He's only wearing a pair of jeans and a light washed long sleeved shirt pushed up at the elbows. Yet, I can't help, but think he looks very attractive. Oh, no. Do not tell me I am starting to get feelings for Derek. That is NOT allowed.

        Derek smirks and I look away. Damn it. He caught me. 

        Mr. Stilinski walks back over to Derek. "I still don't get how this guy has no mouth. How can he eat?"

        "Wait, what?" I ask, confused. 

        Derek sighs. "Peter was attacked by some mute guy with a tomahawk."

        A snicker slips past my lips, earning a not so pleased glare from Derek. "Uh, sorry. He probably deserved it from all the crap I've heard about him."

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