20- Pain

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The floor is cold beneath my body, cool enough to keep me awake no matter how hard it is to keep my eyes open. My face is pressed up against the metal floor. Every part of my body aches and screams in pain. Even breathing causes me great pain. At first, my body was doing it's job at healing me, much to Haigh's suprise until he got more brutal. Now, my body doesn't even know where to begin to heal me.

I shut my eyes just wishing that all of this would end already. A tear slips out from beneath my eye lashes and rolls down my cheek. Every time I close my eyes, I can still see Parrish burning to death in the car. The flames attacking every inch of him. His screams echo inside of my head, his screams of terror and pain.

I could have saved him.

I don't know how much time has passed since I've been locked in this room. I couldn't even tell you where I am. All I know is that I woke up in this small room with metal floors and no windows. There's one door that Haigh comes in every once in a while with a new weapon to try against me. Each time, I heal.

My breath comes out in slow, shallow gasps. Pain erupts in my chest with every inhale and exhale from the two broken ribs. Honestly, I just wish those would heal first.

The door swings open, loudly. Black shoes step into the room, right in my line of vision. I suck in a deep breath, scared to know what is next. Haigh crouches down, low enough to peer down at me. His arms rest on his knees. The object in his hands are what catches my attention.

My breathing picks up, rapidly. Even in all of my pain, I slide on the floor away from the gun. The pain in my right arm causes me to collapse back on the ground, tears in my eyes. Earlier, Haigh had enjoyed kicking the shit out of me and breaking many bones in my body. My arm had been one of them, including my ankle, left leg, two ribs, and had busted my right eyebrow and bottom lip open.

Haigh snickers at my poor attempt. "Awh. Come on. Don't be like that."

I whimper in fear. I was a fighter. I was a strong girl, who wouldn't take shit from no one. But, Haigh has broken down that side of me. I can't even form a fire ball because I can't concentrate on forming one. There's too much pain in my body. If you imagined lighting my body up like a Christmas tree, my entire body would light up. There isn't one part of me that doesn't hurt.

"Now, I'm quite impressed that you can heal after everything I do to you." Haigh twirls the black gun in his hands. "The tazer, a good beating, a knife," The two slices on my arms. "Another beating, a baseball bat." Haigh shakes his head. "You're strong. But, let's see how you heal after a bullet to the heart."

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper.

"You're worth six million, Arden." Haigh reaches down to brush a hair out of my face. I squeeze my eyes shut at his touch. "When I saw you with Parrish in his car, I knew I couldn't pass you up. However, I didn't expect you to not be affected by the flames. So, I decided to pull you out and deal with you another way."

Chin quivering, I try to close my fist and form some kind of fire, but nothing happens. "P-Please."

Haigh half frowns. "Hey, hey. It's going to be okay." He busts out in a girn. "I'll be thanking you when I receive my six million."

"Go to hell." I whisper in pain.

"I'll probably be going there one day, but for now, I'm going to be rich." Haigh chuckles, switching the safety off of the gun.

"You won't be rich for long. My friends will find you. They'll kill you."

Haigh slams the butt of the gun down on my face. I jerk back, hands flying up to my chin. I choke out a sob and try to hide my face in the ground. Pain erupts in my cheek and blood coats my hands. My whole body shakes as I cry, only to send more pain throughout my body.

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