21- Different

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Death is weird. All I could ever assume before was that I would wake up in some room with someone else waiting for me. They'd say something along the lines of 'you had a good life' or 'we have been waiting for you'. Something like that would happen. They'd go on saying that you died and now you are beginning another part of your life. Part of me expected a screen to slide down and begin to show a quick summary of my life.

The only part of me left on Earth would be the memories of me forever marked in my friends' minds. They could chose to remember me and all the times we shared together or push me to the back of their mind. I was curious to how everyone would react to my death. Would they cry? Feel like their whole world is collapsing on them because I died? Or would they be okay?

I didn't expect to wake up in Scott's bedroom. That's actually the very last place I expected to be. Slowly, I push myself up from where I was laying down underneath the comforter. What am I doing here?

I sit up on his bed. My hands fly down to my rib cage, gently pressing against them. I exhale in relief when I feel no pain. No broken bones, no blood, no pain. Standing up, I look around the room, befuddled of why I'm in Scott's room of all places. 

Unless I didn't die. But, how could I not have any broken bones?

"What if she doesn't wake up?" Lydia's voice comes from somewhere. 

My head whips around at her voice. It sounded like she was right beside me. I head towards the doorway, leading towards the hallway. Maybe she's out here. I frown when the hallway empty.

"But Scott bit her." Stiles says.

How can I hear them so clearly? They're nowhere near me. I don't even know where they are. I would assume I was dead, but everything seems to real. I press my hand to my chest, feeling my heart beating.

"That doesn't mean anything." Kira joins in the conversation. "My mom told me that you can't be a fox and a wolf. It's just not possible."

I creep down the hallway until I reach the stairs. The smell of coffee hits me immediately. I take a step back from the strong wave of coffee. The scent is so strong that it smells like the house took a bath with coffee instead of water.

"Then what's going to happen to Arden? Is she going to be stuck in between, forever unconscious?" Stiles is here?

What if I am stuck in between? My body is fighting against the bite, so I'm stuck in between. Maybe this is like the movies, where I'm like a ghost. I can move around and see everything going on, but no one can actually see me.

"I don't know." Scott sighs.

I reach the first floor and head towards the voices. I run my hand along the wall. I peek inside of the kitchen to find all of them crowding around the kitchen. The coffee pot is sitting on the counter half full. Everyone seems to have their own mug beside them or in hand. All of them to be sleep deprived by the bags under their eyes.

I stand in the doorway of the kitchen, quietly. None of them have noticed me and that almost begin to believe that I am a ghost. 

Lydia shakes her head and regrips the mug in her hands. Her eyes are red and puffy. They lift up from the mug to land on me. Lydia's eyes widen as she stares at me before setting her mug down. She pushes away from the counter. "Arden!"

Too stunned to move, I just stand there as her small arms wrap around my torso. Her yelling seemed to capture everyone else's attention. All of them rush over to me. Stiles is the first to reach us and joins in on the hug.

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