10 - Vixen

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        Kira rubs her hands over her face, groaning. "Just pick one for crying out loud."

        I bite my lip, randomly doodling in my notebook. Class hasn't started yet, so I took a stool and placed in between Kira and Lydia's stools at the lab table. "I don't like Derek, though!"

        Lydia snorts. 

        I raise a brow. "What?"

        "Oh, nothing." Lydia half waves, focused on her laptop screen. "I just find it interesting that you kissed Derek when you don't like him."

        "I- I was caught in the moment?" I struggle to find the right words to say. "I mean- come on! Derek is freaking attractive. If he was hovering over you, you are trying to say that you wouldn't kiss him back?"

        Kira shakes her head. "That's the thing, though. He didn't kiss you first. You kissed him." 

        I throw my hands up in the air down with this conversation. All I wanted to do was talk to Kira about this, but it seems to have backfired on me. I cover my head with my arms. I didn't hate kissing Derek. Is that a bad thing? He is definitely not a bad kisser. But, I just- ugh! I don't know what to do. I mean, it's not like I want to kiss Derek again. 

        "These are you math notes? No wonder Malia's failing." Kira leans over me a little. 

        I slowly lift my head up, bringing my arms to the table. I lean closer to Lydia's computer to see lines of mixed letters and numbers. These are not notes unless she is trying this very weird way of studying. 

        "Um, some of them are my notes." Lydia presses her lips together. "The rest, I think, might actually be a code." 

        "A code?" I ask, frowning at the laptop screen.         

        "But, you don't remember writing it?" Kira stares at the screen then to Lydia. 

        Lydia shakes her head ever so slightly. "Not in the slightest." She turns to face the two of us. "But, considering my drawing of a tree led us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us."

        I nod my head in agreement. "I don't particular what to die anytime soon, so I'd really appreciate that Lydia."

        "Maybe it's like the Enigma Code the Allies used." Kira spits off some information. "Remember my dad was a World War II buff? And my mom was, well...In it."

        I wrinkle my nose. "Yeah, still not used to your mom being so old. Kind of weird."

        "You have no idea." Kira shakes her head.

        Lydia analyzes her screen a little closer. "I think it's a variation on something called Vigenere Cipher."         

        I place my chin in the palm of my hand. "Do you know how to crack it?"

        "With a key."

        Oddly enough, a key on a chain drops in our line of vision. The three of us follow the key up to Mrs. Martin. "Remember the rules. No more than six people allowed in the lake house." Her voice drops to a low whisper for the next part. "Stay out of the wine. And if anything gets broken, it's getting added to your credit card debt."

        Lydia tilts her head to the side, thinking about it. Her hand reaches out to grab the keys. "Fine."

        Her mom quickly pulls them away. "And lock up the basement. From all the scratch marks I found on the walls, it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there." She hands the keys over to her daughter. 

Becoming The Vixen (Teen Wolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora