All that could be heard for the next half an hour were the squeals from our table as Boxu,who was later joined by the rest of our company got to taking us pictures together as Sean drew closer to me,circling my waist with his hand.

         Very soon,the lights were dimming again as we realised that the launch had been paused and a live performance was about to start.

        "Let me check on something,I'll be right back okay" Sean told me over the high notes that the musical instruments had begun hitting. "No problem" I smiled before he took to his feet and rounded our table.

        "For real,I'm like so freaking happy for you Viola" Hadley quipped as I stopped one of the people going around with trays,picking a glass of transparent liquid from his tray.

        "Thank you" I beamed as they did the same. Boxu made a toast to happiness though we felt a bit bad for doing so in Sean's abscence. Admist everything,I didnt miss how Boxu's gaze kept flickering and sometimes lingering on Alaina,who seemed to rather not notice.

        I gulped down the liquid in one go,convincing myself that the fiery rush I'd felt in my throat was due to the adrenalin and excitement that was currently pumping through my veins.

         "Ahh!" I screeched as the rim of the cup left my lips. "Hm,Ariana should you really be drinking this?" Alaina questioned after she'd taken a sip of her wine glass.

         "What? I'm not some kid,I can handle this" I told her as I picked another glass,returning the empty one from another server that passed by.

        "Uh,I wouldnt be so sure if I were you" Hadley commented with a raised brow as I took a sip from the second cup. For some reason,I felt like the liquid which I'd now identified was actually liquor seemed to be complimenting my excitement perfectly.

        "Neither would I" Boxu added just before Sean settled back into his seat beside me. "Sorry for the...." he started before looking to me and down to the wine glass in my hand.

        I had no idea why,but I knew my head was beginning to feel fuzzy although I couldnt admit it. I just wanted to keep going.

         "....delay" he finished slowly and I raised my gaze lazily to him and gave him a smile,noticing that the live performance which I'd paid little or no attention to had come to and end.

        "Woah,can you handle that candy?" He started with a low chuckle and I bobbed my head up and down in response even though my head had began to feel a bit heavy for me. "That's ciroc vodka yunno" he told me and I shrugged before downing the rest of the liquid down my throat and feeling the same sensation again.

        "I can handle it,just for today" I told him.

        "Why did you guys let her have this?"I heard Sean ask over my hazy hearing as I slowly dropped the wine glass down on the table. I heard a few mutterings here and there before someone reached out for me.

         "Viola!" Sean's slightly strained voice grazed my eardrums as I felt him grasp my arms subtly and I realised my rest on the table had slipped. "I think you've had enough for one night" he chuckled lightly.

         "Ah,I knew this would happen" I heard Alaina chuckle.

        "What? What happened?" I detected the slur in my own voice as my attempt to point at her failed abysmally. "There she goes" Hadley added.

        "I think we'll have to leave soon" Sean stated from my side as he held me in place,a hint of amusement buzzing through his voice.

        "Why? We just got here" I slurred,turning to face him and he looked down at me with something I could recognise even admist my foggy head as an adoring gaze.

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