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          I didnt know how long Sean and I spent holding each other on the stage but when we finally climbed down,people flanked around us non-stop,their feliciations flanking around us. I,personally couldnt stop smiling from ear to ear as Sean held me even tighter like I would slip from his hold any minute.

         "Oh Ariana" Mum gushed as she rushed towards us,pulling me away from Sean and into her arms. I stiffened a bit as she'd never done this before but I later found myself relaxing into her pink fluffy shawl over her shoulders.

        "I'm so happy for you my dear" she told me and I managed to keep my smile on as she pulled away. "Thanks mom,dad" I thanked them both after Dad relayed the same words to Sean and I.

        "Ariana my girl!" Sean's Dad chided making us turn to the corner where he was coming from. "Congratulations both of you" he cheered,giving me a hug.

       "Thank you Sir" I quipped in reply.

        "Oh please,call me Dad. I should be thanking you,I never thought I'd see the day that this son of mine would propose to a girl" he teased,throwing a sarcastic glare towards Sean.

        "I told you it would happen eventually" Sean retorted. "Exactly,I didnt know if eventually would finally come" Sean's Dad told him which made us laugh.

        "Your mum would be proud of you Sean" he beamed at him,giving him a tap on his shoulder before moving away.

        "Mum's last wish huhn?"I turned to Sean.

        "Yeah,how'd you know?" He asked back.

         "Might have heard about it a few times from my mum" I explained and he nodded in understanding. "See,I told you you are doing great" I told him as we headed back to our table.

         "Yeah" he started,placing a feather light kiss on my cheek. "You did"

        The real adrenalin rush started when we got to the table and everyone gushed at us and Alaina stole me away from Sean's arms. Our shrieks and squeals filled the atmosphere as they all took hold of my palm and admired the ring.

         "Real freaking diamonds!" Hadley exclaimed as she ran her fingers over the ring. "Newest taken girl in the house!" Nicole shrieked and I realised she had the whole thing on camera.

         "Talk to the ring!" I shrieked,making a confident face as I displayed the ring at the camera before letting out a laugh. The reception of the launch ensued and I could swear all that we did was take pictures upon pictures which I was sure would end up on the gram very soon. Alaina had already updated her status.

         It was like everyone had completely forgotten about the article and everyone was all over the engagement. Even a few workers from the company came over to congratulate Sean and I.

         I later settled beside Sean as the launch went on and I finally noticed that people had started supporting the launch even when the first piece had already been given away. I guessed everything that had happened this evening had gotten to people because the amounts I heard that were brought forward in supporting the launch were almost too outrageous.

         "Congratulations Viola...or is it Ariana now" Boxu started. "Any one you prefer,thank you" I chipped happily.

        "Which ever it is you choose,dont forget to add Maxwell behind it" Sean added which made us laugh,although I couldnt deny the bit of ripples and rush his statement added to my blood.

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