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         "Candy! Hadley's here!" Sean called to me from downstairs. We'd been playing a board game that Sean had found interesting and ordered a few days ago.

          Since the incident at the cafè, I'd barely been allowed to step out of the house. The whole article thing was slowly blowing over but I still thought back to the people trailing me from time to time.

          Each time I did,I did well to deflect my thoughts because one way or another,I found myself on the way to suspecting Yang Uma and unfortunately,Xander too.

        I'd learned that he'd gotten out of detainment recently and he was currently on the run. His bar had been seized temporarily and even though he wasnt meant to be punished gravely,escaping detainment was yet another crime.

        Throwing my feet off the bed,I slipped on my indoor slippers and wrapped my cardigan around my body even more before hurrying out of the room,down the hallway as well as the staircase.

        "Hadley!!" I screamed as soon as I entered the living room,throwing my hands around her as well as my full weight on her and making her yelp as we fell into the sofa behind her.

        "Oh my goodness,Viola you're crushing me!" She shrieked admist her laughter. Hadley and I hadnt talked much over the past few weeks but that wasnt what shocked me. Despite everything that had gone on, she never questioned me about it even as I stared down at her with my purple orbs.

        "Sorry,I'm just so happy to see you"  I chuckled as I got off her and helped her sit up.

        "Okay,I'm going to leave you girls to talk. I'm in my study if you need me okay?" Sean pitched in.

         "Sure" I smiled as he leant down and pecked my forehead before heading to the stairs. In no time,Hadley and I were doing the same.

        "Your hair is so pretty,you finally allowed it to grow" I told her,holding her sleepover bag in my hand as trudged up the stairs. I passed the bag to my other hand so I could run my fingers through her hair.

         She'd straightened it so it was now almost touching the middle of her back. "Yeah,I wanted to try something different. I figured I'd been carrying that bob for a while and my mum encouraged me to so..." she trailed off with a shrug. "What do you think?" She asked expectantly.

         "It's absolutely pretty,you look good girl" I gave her a slight nudge as we reached my room and she opened the door for us. "Thank you!" She cheered gleefully going towards the dress table and inspecting her hair. I laughed,placing her bags down at a corner of the room.

         "How have you been though? Is everything okay between you guys now?" She asked as I settled into the bed and she joined me.

        "Yeah,we're good now" I told her and she nodded. "Your eyes are pretty though" she told me with a smile.

        "Why arent you surprised?" I asked,folding my legs. "Well...." she started. "I picked up over the few months that you seemed to be wearing contacts" she told me,my mouth almost dropped open.

         "Dont get me wrong,at first I only suspected because I always saw contact holders among your things but they were always empty and you'd never mentioned wearing contacts on any of our outings" she explained.

         "Everytime you cried,there seemed to be something different about your eyes." She continued. "I finally confirmed it though when that article came out a few weeks ago"

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