Why is he Mad?

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Shanaya: Jerk.??? Well it's not as if I am getting this compliment for the first time.!! But coming from you.!!! What's wrong.??

Aditya: Shanaya...... You seriously are heartless.!!!! I heard this about you but didn't believe it.!!! I thought they were wrong.! The way you talk to me the other day.. the way you listen to me.... the way you handled me made me think that you actually have very sweet and kind heart.! You just try to hide that side of yours and make a thick layer of this your emotionless and sassy personality.!!!!

(Shit.! How.???? How did he.......)

You are acting as if everything is normal.!!!! You know you have distanced yourself so much from emotions and humans that you have completely forgotten about how it feels when someone uses you or breaks your trust.!!! You didn't even thought of apologizing.!!!! Wow.!!!!

Shanaya: Apologies.???? For what.???? Dude I am your bodyguard.! I will do everything to save you and help you to get you out from that guilt because it is coming in my way to protect you.! Why should I apologize.????
I am your BODYGUARD.!!!!!
I am doing my job.!!!!
Don't expect anything else other than duty from me.!!!! I have never failed in any assignment.!!! And you are not so easy assignment of mine which will be tricky to complete.! But I will not back off..!

Aditya: So...... I am just an assignment to you.?????
Just. An. Assignment.????

(Shit.! I didn't mean it that way.!!! I can see he is hurt.!!!)

Shanaya: Listen.... it's not.... (cut off by Aditya)

Aditya: I got it Ms. Shanaya Shekhawat.!! Just an assignment.!!! (Does he gave to repeat it??)
You know.? It is my mistake.!!! I am a fool that after that incident when you handled me emotionally I thought there is something.!! May be we could be friends..!!

(Friends.??? So there are people who think I could be a friend.??? Strange.!!! He continued..)

But I was wrong..!!! I forgot the most important lesson of life.... "NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE..... CZ EXPECTATIONS LEADS TO DISAPPOINTMENT.!!!!!
I am leaving now.! Don't worry I am in the house itself so you don't have to worry about me.! And as you say you are "Professional" meet me after taking appointment via my PA.! We will discuss your other ideas at that time.... We will now talk business.!!!

(Aaaaaaaand he left.!!!! Wow.!!! What is this strange feeling I am having all of a sudden.!!!! I am feeling guilty.??? Am I supposed to apologize.??? But why.??? Man.!!! I knew this case was not like my other cases but I surely didn't wanted to get involved emotionally.!!! Fuck dude.!!!! I dunno what to do..!!! Oh.... wait.!!!!! My lifeline.!!!! She will help me.!!!! She always helped me when I messed up with Oldie.!! She might help me now.!!!! I went out of his room as his servants were here to clean this mess... man it's gonna take them long enough time to clear this shit.!!!! I went to my room after making sure where Aditya went and I saw him with Sr. Oberoi in his library.!!! I went to my room... closed the door and called my lifeline..!)

Phone conversation:

Shanaya: Priyaaaaa.!!! What's up my lifeline..?? I miss you so so much..!!!

(I tried to be extra sweet.! Even though I know she will catch me right away..! Except from my dad.... only she and her boyfriend knew my REAL side.!!!)

Priya: Wow.!!! Someone is being extra sweet.!!! You messed up again..! Didn't you.??

Shanaya: Not really.!! Actually I don't know whether I messed up or not.!! I am completely lost this time.!!!

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