Chapter 5: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

'Hey, no need to worry about me.' Ojiro said with a calm voice.


'You know, I think I never told you about my real dream, haven't I?'

"Your real dream?" Izuku questioned. He thought that Ojiro's dream was to become a Hero who will save people. Is it actually something different?

'Well, it's not that it's another dream but I like to consider it a life goal, my objective...' Ojiro began before he took his breath. 'I want to show the world that even if you don't have a flashy Quirk, even if you don't have any talent, that with enough hard work, you could still become a splendid Hero!' Ojiro said from the other end of the phone, but Izuku was able to easily feel Ojiro's determination.

Silence filled Izuku's room as neither of the teens spoke, but then Ojiro spoke again.

'It's no secret that my Quirk isn't flashy. It's just a tail after all but I'm still determined to achieve my goal.'

Izuku thought that he's an idiot. How did he even think that Ojiro might not be able to keep up or give up on their rivalry altogether? Ojiro had an iron will. No matter how strong he ever got, Ojiro always found a way to catch up to him and surpass him. There's was no way he was going to give up, his spirit is unbreakable.

"Yeah, I think that you're capable of doing that Ojiro. No, I'm sure of it." Izuku finally replied, making Ojiro smile. He was glad that Izuku didn't mock him or anything but instead believed in him.

That's my rival for you. He thought.

"Getting to UA was only our first step..." Izuku began.

'Yeah, from now on, we will compete and push each other to the top! Because that's the spirit of youth!' Ojiro said with a lot of enthusiasm before the two boys laughed.

The two boys then ended the call and Izuku felt motivated. In fact, he decided that he was going to train again, starting from tomorrow. All Might offered him to relax and take a break until his first day at UA, but he wasn't going to take it.

Right now, I have a new Quirk to learn how to use and practice... Not to mention it's All Might's Quirk himself! Izuku shouted in his mind, entering his fanboy mode. As a child, he always used to put on his All Might onesie and act as if he was All Might. He would then come to his mother's rescue while saying All Might's catchphrase.

Izuku blushed at the memory and chuckled. I guess that game will soon become my daily life. He mentally thought, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Izuku quickly went to open the door but was shocked when he saw who was waiting in front of it.

"Ka-Kacchan?!" He questioned in surprise. Of all the possible days, why did he have to come today? In fact, why is he even here? They stopped going to each other's house since they were seven.


Crap! I was so shocked and happy by what I saw in the video projection, that I forgot that Kacchan placed second, right after me. He must be mad right now, especially after what I told him before the exams. I'm sure he won't even let me get away from this, knowing him, he came for a fight now to prove that he's the best. Izuku said in his head with a bit of worry.

"Kacchan-" Izuku began but was interrupted.

"DAMN IT! YOU FUCKING BRAT! SHOW SOME RESPECT TO YOUR FRIEND!" Mitsuki Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo's mother yelled before hitting her son with a fist on his head.

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