Chapter 5.5 - FOV-2 (Backstory)

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(P.S this entire chapter written in perspective of the person behind FOV-2)

"Hey, what's there to be shy of. Come join us here"

I walk up towards a group of students, they seem to be around he same age as me.

It had been a long time since I went out of the house, Ma told me I should go out and make new friends.

I walk up to the table, sitting beside the group of boys

The reason why I haven't went out, even for school. Was because of the constant ongoing bullying at school. I was too... afraid to even go out.

They hit me.. threw stuff at me... I just couldn't.

Every single day was a living nightmare, be it at  school or outside home. I couldnt look at people the same way as before.

"Hey girl, get on the floor!"

I was pushed around and thrown around in the classroom. The Teachers that saw what happened only feigned ignorance

Entering school, I had always been very timid with social interactions, often neglecting conversation, meaning I had no friends. This made me a prime target for bullying, mentally and physically.

Walking to school everyday was a living nightmare. Being punched, verbally abused, anything you can think of to demoralise someone, making them dread their own existence.

It hadn't been a year but my body was a testament to the amount of bullying I received, filled with many purplish bruises. Even my hair was all messed up with pieces torn out, leaving only bald spots in some places of my head.

It's already been a couple of years since I stopped going out of the house, but I still remember that traumatising experience.


I sit with the students. There shouldn't be any harm interacting with them. It's just right outside my house as well, I could always turn back at any time.

After interacting a bit, they said they would leave and I decided to follow them for a bit.

Walking by the roadside the whole way.

"Hey do you want to play a game?" one of them nudges my arm and asks.

They stop by the side of a massive sewer - the types you would see large enough to prevent flooding.

I nod my head.

What game were they playing, it's been a long time since I played with anyone.

And the game goes as this

*A dare to climb down and up the massive sewer*

After I heard, I immediately declined but they still somehow... coerced me into actually doing it.

I stood by the edge of the sewer, too scared to go in.

I struggled to give my own opinions on things, I struggle to say no to anything. That was my only weakness

I slowly gripped onto the edge and hanged by the side of it.

I... can't move


I was just too afraid to descend the sewer walls. I could die with one misstep. But unfortunately... no one even came to help me.

Standing above me on the actual ledge were the actual group of students who brought me here, all of them had condescending smiles. The ones that reminded me of my ... classmates

I lost my grip and fell, screaming all the way.

It wasn't that deep... but it was still a 10 meter drop. My bones must have all been broken and I was bleeding out.

"Officer! Officer! Someone fell in the drain."

The officer stared down and without a second look, deemed me dead. A pool of blood could be seen and any person could tell that both my legs were already twisted beyond repair.

But I .... was still alive..

The officer questioned them but the students they just... said they saw me walking straight towards the sewer.

They... just  I can't believe them.

My first and final time leaving my home after a few years. Those people reminded me exactly of the classmates I once had.

By the time they reached the body the next day,  I was long dead. What reason did they have for doin this... I just couldn't understand. Just like my classmates.

At least... they were kind enough to end my suffering


Slowly, I opened my eyes. It was pitch black as though someone had put something on my face.

"Boss, this one woke up!"

"Oh great! Another toy!"


"This one's a bit feisty!"

"Take her finger and get her to infect someone."

I should have died. I wish I died. Because from then on, I was used just like a guinea pig. I could only hear them. My entire body was restricted, I couldn't move.

"Panel" I heard a voice

Slowly, they moved my finger but I couldn't tell what they were doing with it.

*You have chosen Adam as your first infection*


"Please... just let me go"

I was restricted from my own freedom. I just don't understand why I am here.

"Please... just kill me..." I said

"No, we have plenty of things to do with you. Hey Abe, name her FOV-2. I think she would do well" a man replied.

Eventually, I just couldn't let go and wanted to escape, I struggled desperately but I was held down. I couldn't break free and I could not see anything.

And not long later, a sharp pain entered my right arm. Followed by another one and another.

*Random Mutation"

*Random Mutation"

*Random Mutation"

*Random Mutation"

*Random Mutation"

"Boss! It seems to be working!"

*Random Mutation"

*Random Mutation"

That bar... it keeps appearing in my head. I don't know what it is.

*3000 New Infected*

*37 New deaths*

Message after message rang in my head. It just wouldn't stop coming. But I couldn't even die if I wanted to, they prevented me from stopping my breath, fed me to prevent hunger, kept me well hydrated. Just that I wasn't able to move


Little did she know, she was only the start of a new generation of manmade viruses in Japan, only to be abused and used as a bio-weapon by people

That Time I Reincarnated as a VirusWhere stories live. Discover now