Her eyes squint. "Not on Saturday."

An actual truth comes to mind. "Yes, but I'm meeting a classmate to work on an assignment. Really, it's better this way."

Her head slowly goes from left to right in a disappointed manner. "I won't force you on a plane but for the record, I think you're making a mistake."

The contrary, for the first time I'm doing the right thing. All of my previous decisions have been driven by selfish needs. Not anymore. I will take the back seat from now on.


I hesitate in front of Coffee & Cake. It appears, Jonathan did trick me into having coffee with him. I suggested meeting at the park to do the assignment, but he made a dramatic plea about needing a cup of hot brew before sauntering through the snow. He's not wrong. It's quite cold outside.

It's just coffee with another student.

Once inside, I enjoy the warmth for a second and then walk up to Jonathan, who's sitting comfortably on one of the sofas. It seems coffee-to-go is not an option.

His blond brow goes up. "You're late."

I shrug off my heavy coat and sit down in the single armchair opposite of him. "No, I'm exactly on time."

Since I didn't take the seat next to him, he brings up his knee a little and leans back. "That's not possible because that would mean I'm early and I never arrive early."

Was that a lewd innuendo? Maybe not. I must be imagining things. Perhaps I'm still tuned in on Tex' dirty wavelength. He made improper jokes an impressive sport.

I swallow down the lump in my throat. "Shall we order?"

He nods. "I'll only get a coffee. I mean, looking like a golden Adonis takes sacrifice, but I've heard the coconut cake here is really good. Order a slice if you want. It's on me."

Admittedly, I already spied the trays behind the glass display. After all, I have a trained eye. Not that it matters because cake conflicts with my self-imposed punishment. "Oh—uhm—thanks, but I'm not really a fan of baked goods. Just coffee for me as well. Black, no sugar or cream."

He pulls up his nose as if my order is strange and then walks up to the counter to get our drinks. I peek his way. His body is quite chiseled. Navy blue chinos cling to his toned legs and the long sleeve sweater doesn't hide his muscular arms.

Again, just an observation. I have no desire to crawl on his lap and kiss his lips. He's nice, though. A little cocky, but in a playful way. I find that an endearing trait in men. Tex was like that as well. Albeit, his ego was ten times bigger. Even so, Tex never dressed to impress but boy, did he impress me. He smelled like sex and had that electric feel.

I miss him so much.

So, so much.

Jonathan returns swiftly with a plain old cup of Americano for me and an extra large Mocha Frappuccino with a pile of whipped cream on top for himself. So much for healthy choices. I point at his extravagant drink. "I thought you said you had to make sacrifices. That coffee is a nuclear calorie bomb."

"True." He nods and then takes a big drink. "But self love is import as well."

His answer makes me uneasy. Self love hasn't been on my mind for a while. I try a more cheerful subject. "How was your date? Was it the love of your life?"

He laughs pleasantly. "No, far from it, but we got along just fine ... for the night."

Nights of passion, I remember those. "That's fun too, I guess."

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