Chapter 24: The Fae Prince

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"When you said you had a plan, this was not what I expected," I admitted to Aelin. She shrugged slightly. 

"It's complete madness," I added. "Do you really think it will work?"

"Probably." She replied. She didn't notice me scowling at her. She was staring vacantly at the stars out the window. My annoyance dimmed a bit. I knew she must be thinking of Terrasen and her friends. From what she'd told me of her court, I knew they had to be taking good care of it. But if the gods had lied, and Aelin had left Terrasen to fend for itself just to warn me...

I would never be able to live with the guilt. 

Rhys came up behind us. "It's getting late. We should all get some rest." 

Aelin turned to look at us. "Is it alright if I explore a bit?" She gestured to the streets of Velaris. "I've never seen a place quite like this." 

I glanced at Rhys. He looked very close to saying no, so I beat him to it. 

"Of course. But try not to burn anything down, please." The queen matched my smile, though hers was much more mischievous. 

"No burning, got it. Rowan? Want to tag along?" She called to her mate across the room. 


"I still don't completely trust her," Rhys told me later on, sitting on the bed next to me. "I know she came to warn us, and she seems very nice and all-" 

"I trust her." Even I was a bit surprised at the words that came out of my mouth. But I realized they were true. I did trust Aelin. After hearing everything she'd been through, everyone she'd lost... despite having, in reality, known her for less than a week, I felt as if I'd known Aelin my whole life. 

"Why?" Rhys asked me. I shrugged. 

"I can't explain it. There's just something about her that's so... familiar, I suppose. She's endured so much, and she still came out fighting for those she loves. She reminds me of you a bit, actually." I grinned when his eyebrows went up. "She's one of those self-sacrificing bastards who take the brunt of the fall. She once let herself be kidnapped and tortured for over a month to protect the ones she loved." 

"Hmm. That does sound a bit familiar," Rhys muttered. I smiled slightly and took his hand. 

"However, I think she rivals you for deadly skill." 

"She rivals everyone in Prythian, I'd wager." Rhys joked. I laughed and put my head on his shoulder. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, but of course, a thought popped into my head and ruined it.

"Do you think I'll still be pulled to that room if I go to sleep?" I asked into the silence. I felt Rhys tense up, just barely. 

"I don't know. You and Aelin are in the same place now, so I'd think not. But I don't know." We were both quiet for another minute. Then his voice filled my head. 

You said she took Rowan with her? 

I knew where this was going. You want to come along, don't you? 

Only if it actually happens. Did she tell you how she did it? 

No. She just said it happened on instinct. 

Well, maybe-

A loud crash sounded from downstairs. Rhys and I were up and standing instantly. We exchanged a glance, then he grabbed my hand and winnowed us to the stairs. 

The first thing I saw were the feathers, raining down upon the floor. The second thing I saw was the window, smashed into pieces as if something had been thrown through it. 

That's when I noticed the person laying on the floor. 

"Drakon!!" Mor came running in from another room, flying to the Prince's side. "Mother above, what happened?" 

Drakon groaned, rolling over. "Rhysand." 

Rhys was by his side in a second. "Drakon?" 

Drakon's hand latched onto Rhys' arm. I felt my eyes widen when I noticed how bloody his fingers were. I let myself look him over quickly. Nothing on him was bleeding. Except...

The floor underneath Drakon had been stained wine-red. Mor was kneeling on a blood-soaked carpet, but she didn't seem to notice. Drakon's wings were pinned underneath him, but even from here I could see the mess of flesh that had once been beautiful white wings. 

"Drakon, what happened?" Rhys asked, trying to make Drakon sit up. Drakon took a heaving breath through gritted teeth, his fingers tightening on Rhys' arm. 

"The Cauldron." He managed to say. My heart dropped to my feet. 

"What? What's happened to the Cauldron?" I said, rushing to Drakon's side as well. I kneeled, ignoring the warm blood that began to seep into my pants. Drakon met my gaze, his eyes clouded with pain. 

"It's been stolen."

Feyre art by Shalezi7!!

YA'LL THIS BOOK IS AT 2.2K NOW WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL???? I woke up today and I had 27 notifications, all of them votes!!! I literally am so happy rn, I'm so glad people like this book I really didn't expect it to do this good so fast, I think it's only been posted a little over a month!! Thank you!!

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