Chapter Twenty Six: The Creature

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"Who are you to tell me where I do and do not belong?" - Thorwen.

15th March/Gwaeron, 3017, The Woodland Realm.

The Winter months passed without further incident. Now March had come and with it the first flowers of spring. Thranduil and Thorwen embraced within their refuge of stones. It had been difficult pretending nothing had changed between them for fear their enemies would retaliate. "You are sure no one followed you here."

Thorwen shook her head. "Celephinniel awaits me in the Orchard. Everyone thinks I am with her."

Thranduil sighed with relief. He had come earlier in the day to avoid suspicion. But knew it was only a matter of time before the Silvan Brotherhood discovered their secret. It was time to take action. And with the news he had for Thorwen, he hoped she would agree to his plan. Thranduil drew out a scroll from his riding tunic and handed it to her. "I have received word from Lord Elrond."

Thorwen slowly took the scroll from him and traced her fingers along the opened seal. She unrolled it, and he watched with anticipation as her eyes scanned the parchment. As expected, an elegant smile formed on her rosy lips and she squealed with delight. the soft sunlight catching her eyes as she looked up at him. "He gives his blessing!" And she flung her arms around him, almost dropping the scroll in the process.

Thranduil chuckled and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Yes, but read the rest of the scroll."

Thorwen continued, her face becoming more sober. "He says we cannot wed until Arwen weds Aragorn. And that Aragorn has the right to set his own conditions."

"But we can plight our troth at least, and he has sent another scroll for Aragorn's attention. Lord Elrond's blessing carries much weight in our favour, Melleth Nin."

"If only I was of age, then none of this would matter."

"I am afraid it would. You are the heir of the potential king of Gondor. The adopted sister of his future bride. Who you wed matters greatly."

"But we do not know if Aragorn will even come here. I have not seen him since I was a child."

"And I have news on that, too. The Beornings have sent word that Aragorn is en route to us at this very moment. He is bringing a prisoner to be given into our keeping. The creature Gollum. Gandalf is also on his way to question the creature. While they are here, we shall take the opportunity to hold our betrothal feast."

"Of course, but what of the Silvan Brotherhood? They have still not been exposed."

"And they will remain hidden unless we draw them out. If we publicly declare our love, they are likely to retaliate, and my most trusted warriors will be ready for them. If you are willing, of course. I would not wish to put such a plan in place without your consent."

Thorwen frowned the way she always did when deep in thought. Then the corners of her mouth slowly broke into a smile and she chuckled slightly. "At least we will be able to live openly, no more secret meetings."

"Oh, I rather like meeting like this, Melleth Nin." He drew her close, his fingers gently guiding her face to his. As their lips touched, he could feel the power of her Fea. Stronger than anything he had ever experienced before. He wondered how such a being could be contained within her slender frame. The time had come for them to part came all too soon. After one last lingering kiss, Thorwen reluctantly pulled away from him and returned to where Calithiliel was waiting. "Almárie!" he called. "Will you get word to your brother? To attend the feast!!"

Thorwen turned with a concerned look on her face. "I have not heard from him since Dale!"

"Then I will send scouts to Rhosgobel, make sure all is well."

Daughter of Arnor - Servant of FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang