Chapter Twelve: The High Pass

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"My people lie in wait and will find you soon enough! Then you will learn how persuasive I can be!" - Sauron

30th July/Cerveth T.A 3010, Rivendell

The following morning, Elrond sat alone at the desk of his study. He had not rested well but put it down to the difficulties of the previous day. Over the course of the previous day, he had sent out urgent messages and now two sealed scrolls lay on the desk before him. He picked up the one with the white seal and the tower stamped into it. The tone of Saruman's reply was 'I told you so'. He insisted Anberenien be sent directly to him so that he could prevent any further interference from the Dark Lord.

But as Elrond read the message, he felt a sense of foreboding. As a father, he could not imagine sending Anberenien to that dark and gloomy tower, whatever the situation. He only hoped Arwen would agree to come home early and support her adopted sister through her maiden years. The second reply was indeed from Lothlórien, with its golden seal and wax stamp, but it was not from Arwen.

Glorfindel entered the study as Elrond finished reading. "I see you have received replies, then?"

"Yes, but not quite what I was expecting. Arwen did not reply, but Celeborn and Galadriel did. They are offering to foster Anberenien until she comes of age. Galadriel feels that she could be of help to her. Saruman, on the other hand, believes I should send Anberenien to him."

Glorfindel examined both letters. "They were both acquainted with her in Valinor."

"As were you. But you have never spoken of it."

Glorfindel smiled. "Yes, she was involved in my restoration. But that is something I feel I cannot discuss on Middle Earth."

Elrond nodded and did not press the matter further. "I have not as yet had a reply from Mithrandir, but he could be anywhere."

"Well, if I might offer some counsel, I would not be hasty in acting. Wait till we hear from Mithrandir. I should have picked up on the symptoms. Got her to confide in me more. But mortal children can behave a little strange in their adolescent years."

"Agreed. I remember Aragorn at that age." They both chuckled.

Suddenly Elenye came running into the study. "My Lord Elrond, it is Anberenien. She is not in her chamber and I cannot find her anywhere."

"Perhaps she got up early and went to the Pine Woods," replied Elrond.

But Elenye was close to tears. "No, my Lord. Things from her chamber are missing. Her money, valuables and her father's cloak. There was also this hidden in her bed, along with several gold coins." She handed Elrond a note, which was written in Anberenien's hand.

Beloved Ada,

I am sorry, but I must leave. If anything bad happens to Bilbo, you or anyone else on my account, I could never forgive myself. If the Dark Lord is seeking me out, it would not be wise for me to stay and put all those I love at risk. I shall try to make my way into the world. Find my true purpose, and hope he does not find me. Forgive me.

Farewell! Your beloved daughter, Anberenien.

Elrond shook his head as he read the letter repeatedly. "No, it cannot be," he whispered. His heart breaking with every word. He had only wanted to protect Anberenien from the Dark lord. Instead, he had made her feel she was a danger to others and now she had taken off.

"How can she have left the realm? Surely the watch would have seen her," said Elenye.

"There is no time to ponder this now. She might only be hiding in the Pine woods. But if she has run away, we must find her quickly. Before our enemies do!" said Glorfindel.

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