She then snaps her head around to meet my gaze. "You should borrow these Bell, I mean they'll be slightly longer on your short ass legs but would look so good on you, your butt has grown ginormous over the last two months."

I stare at my reflection. Mia is exaggerating for sure, yes I had gained a little bit of weight over the past month or so which may or may not have situated itself in my ass but it definitely isn't ginormous as how Mia stated. Her comment does however bring a smile to my face as it reminds myself of all the progress I have made.

"I'm good with my leggings for now," I tell her with a grin just as she crosses her arms across her chest and sighs.

"At least tie the jersey up at your waist or something." She reaches over but I promptly swat her hand away.


"Okay how about this," she offers. "Rock, paper scissors to the best of three, if I win I get to tie your jersey." I give her a blank stare which she takes as hesitation. "Aw you know that you'll never win against me that's why you're not even trying." She presses a hand over her heart causing me to roll my eyes.

"...Fine," I sigh, out stretching my fist.

"Yay," she clasps her hands together. "Okay, rock...paper...scissors!"

It's her rock against my scissors.

"Dammit." I say just as Mia cheers loudly.

"Haha I win!!"

"Okay again, rock...paper...scissors."

This time I'm the one to jeer. It's my paper against her rock. "I win, I win!"

"Shut up Bella." She whacks my arm. "We still have one more round."


It's her scissors against my paper. Fuck.

"YES YES YES!" Mia screams before cupping her hands around her mouth and whooping loudly. She then grabs me by the bottom of my jersey and drags me closer to her.

"Best of five?" I offer, trying to inch away from her grasp.

She shakes her head and holds my by the arms to stop my protesting. I huff as she ties up the knot so the jersey just sits above my belly button. I am wearing high waisted leggings so when Mia pulls away, I tug up the waist so you can only see the slightest sliver of skin of my stomach.

"Why you guys screaming?" Grace asks, strolling into the room. "We can hear you from downstairs."

"I lost rock, paper, scissors," I grumble causing Mia to let out another excited squeal again, Grace winces at Mia's shrill voice before absentmindedly taking a bite of the snickers bar in her hand that no doubly my grandma gave her.

"Are you guys done," she says with her mouth full of chocolate. "Val and abuelita want to start heading off so they can get good seats."

I nod before picking my my phone from the bed and shoving it in my bra. Mia quickly fixes up her ponytail before following Grace and I down the stairs.

"Oh my God," I gasp, the moment Sofia and my mom come into sight. Mia bumps into my back before poking her head out from over my shoulder and peering at what I am staring at. Grace does the same, swivelling her head around before her gaze falls on my baby sister and my two friends begin squealing promptly.

Shoving me out of the way, Mia hurdles over to Sofia and swiftly plucks her out of my mothers arms.

"Awwwww her little jersey," Grace coos, her bottom lip jutted out. "It's so freaking cute!"

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