But that wasn't all she noticed. "I-I'm sorry..." she stared into his ruby eyes, flashes of her childhood friend flashed within her head. "I-I didn't mean to cause any trouble, Bakugou-San." For the second time in one day, she fell to the ground. Although this time wouldn't be fatal. Flashes of her childhood friend appeared in her mind, she had hoped to find him again, and she did. But it wasn't in a way she wanted it to happen. She watched as he squatted down in front of her, an intimidating look was present within his eyes. "I-I'm Sato, Izumi," Her voice quivering as she spoke. "T-Thank you for saving me. I thought I was going to die."

"Well," a malicious gaze looked her over, "maybe I should've let you." As if awaiting a response, he looked her over again. There was no emotion. At least no negative ones, the only one was hidden well within her. "Wow, you're boring aren't you," he stood up and began to walk past her. She scrambled upwards and stood still as he spoke, "I'm going home, so don't try to follow me." She did as she was ordered, waiting a few minutes for him to turn the corner. She didn't even feel upset that he treated her like crap, it was just great that she found her childhood friend again.


Izumi never had trouble getting back to her mother's apartment. Ever since she was young, her mother taught her to get back home from wherever she was. It proved to be a very useful skill which she used nearly everyday. And every time she did go out, nothing bad had happened to her. It began with something hitting her head. A soda bottle had fallen from the sky, right onto her head. She yelped in pain and rubbed the top of her head as she winced in pain. She opened her eyes and saw looked at the green sewage-like liquid within. She picked it up and examined it, she recoiled in fear when a red eye opened up. The bottle cap, which was loosened, shot off like a bullet. As the liquid fell from the bottle, she screamed when she saw it snaking up her ankle. Within a few moments the liquid had completely emptied from the bottle, she choked on the sentient fluid and was easily silenced.

"Wonderful!" The liquid cried out as it moved Izumi's limbs like they were its own. She tried to fight back, tried to do anything to get it out of her, but nothing worked. She couldn't breathe and most certainly couldn't move, "just rest little lady, your body will be safe in my hands!" She could feel her shoulder dislocate as the liquid forced it to go far behind her back. It was probably meant to break her spirit, so that it'd be easier to take over her body. "Why don't you show off your quirk," she could feel the liquid slowly pile up in her lungs, "then I can see what I'll be working with."

Izumi tried to swim, tried to escape from the fluid, but she couldn't even move within it, so there wasn't a hope for her. The only thing she could hope for, was someone strolling along to save her, though she didn't even deserve it. She hadn't even thanked the last person for saving her, which was why she believed that she didn't deserve anyone to rescue her. Her vision was starting to swim and turn black. A new warmth built up inside of her, it was within her heart. But it didn't feel like the cold fluid that was building up in her lungs. Let. Go. Of. Me! She thought as a light burst burst forth from her chest and back, she felt a hand grip the back of her shirt before she was pulled away from the fluid. "Let go of her!" Her head was reared back so she saw Katsuki's face as he pulled her away. It was as if she were a princess and he her knight, it was the only thought to come to her broken mind as she fell on her back. The liquid slowly receded from her lungs as it began to appear from above her. The same red eye from earlier began to appear. A stifled grunt came from her mouth as the liquid began to bubble from within her mouth. It quickly fled her fiery body, the light coming from her seemed to be causing the blazing heat that was her body.

Izumi gasped for air as an incandescent glow overtook her, the bits of liquid still present in her body were most likely boiled alive. But as her vision came back, an emotion unknown to her was present within her green pupils. Was it vengeance or determination? Even Katsuki couldn't tell from the lustrous light emanating from here. But he could tell that she was feeling one thing. And it was Anger. "You vile," Izumi fell to the ground as the fluid let go of her hips and legs, "lecherous creature! You are too immoral to be human," she pulled her left hand out from under her. "Preying on a minor so that she could be your meat puppet?" It was as if her hope for the future was fueling her, fueling the singular punch that came from her. "Unforgiveable!" Her fist went straight through the liquid, doing nothing for a few moments, until the gunk that made its body shot everywhere. She laid down on her back again as she stared at the sky, the sun hanging near the horizon. It threatened to fall and plunge Japan into darkness. But that was the daily cycle of the world. It was as necessary as sleep was, which is what overtook her exhausted body.


She awoke, a sharp aching pain came from her now fixed shoulder. A fluorescent ceiling light hung overhead. She was less tired than earlier, but there was a tinge of sleep dwelling within her that told her to shut her eyes. An out of place cough came from her right, so she tilted her head a bit. This would make it the third time today that the duo met. Whether it was pure coincidence or fate was up to her, it was her choice to believe in one thing or the other. Whatever built up in her earlier had all but disappeared, although the makings of something new were beginning within her. As she remembered the incident from earlier, fragments of the ability she showed appeared. Flashing within her mind as joy built up. The beginnings of a new emotion were sprouting within her soul, taking root as a realization overcame her. She had a quirk.

Everything she was told, by her peers, by her mother, even by her pediatrician, everything about a quirk was wrong. They would all be shocked right now if they saw her quirk in action. She sat up with a smile on her face, "well, looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake. So, how do you feel?" She raised her eyebrow, he usually didn't care about other's especially when he was younger. But then again he was the one that came to her rescue, even if she had fallen into the shallow part of the river.

"I'm good, I feel a bit stuffed up though," she coughed into her hand, flecks of green phlegm were painted on it. "Though I can probably sleep it off," she noticed his hardened gaze as she wiped her hand, it was focused on her hair. When she met his, he quickly looked at something else, giving himself a weak alibi. "Is something wrong, Bakugou-San?"

"N-No," it was the first time she'd ever seen him flustered, "I just...thought you reminded me of someone." A tint of red flushed into his cheeks as he grew flustered, "like an old friend that I used to play with." A warm feeling welled up in her chest, the hope they would once again reunite swelled within her.

"I had the same thought when I saw you," she decided to play dumb for a moment. This was before she decided it'd be best to bring up a memory that they'd both remember. "Say, you wouldn't have happened to pick a little girl up after she fell into a river, would you?" It was as if something had triggered in his brain, for his expression lit up. His normally angry demeanor, gave way to the excited boy she knew back then.

"You were the girl I used to play with?" An open smile was formed by his parted lips, "I always hoped that we'd run into each other someday." His rude attitude was surprisingly gone, even when he was nice he still was somewhat snarky, but this was completely different. Something mostly foreign to her...but to her past self, it was nothing but her closest friend. "But I'd never think that I'd have to jump out a window for it to happen. So why did you just disappear one day?"

Izumi scratched the back of her head as she stared down at her blanket, dull eyed as always, "my mother and I moved away." She hated lying through her teeth to him, because she felt like it could ruin their budding friendship if he ever found out. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you," she faked a smile, "I didn't have the heart to tell you back then."

He waved his hand, symbolizing that it was okay with him. "It's fine," were the solidifying words for her assumption, "I'm just glad that we could meet after like ten years." He stood up, "I'll go get a nurse to see if you can go home." He walked over to the door before pausing, "I could walk you home." He paused for a moment as if to evaluate the words that came from him. "If you want I mean," she couldn't tell, but it strained him to say that. He had obviously never been this nice to someone before, so it felt new to him.

"Yeah...I'd like that Bakugou-San," Izumi smiled, staring at him as he walked out of the room. The door shut behind him, but when one door closed. Two more would open. And she felt that whichever door she chose would lead to a great friendship between them. The hope for a great future was bright as she looked through the doors. A gleaming smile placed on her face as she did, there was only one thing that could possibly ruin her future...

The Divine Hero: Izumi MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now