"It's not like she wants to do something with me either. She's just going through a phase." Louis tried to comfort.

"What if it's something more than that? Maybe she needs a woman to talk to?" Harry suggested.

"I can call Lottie tomorrow and ask her to come over this weekend?" Louis asked.

"That's a great idea!" Harry smiled and dried his tears.

"Good." Louis answered softly and kissed the top of his head. "I hate to see you sad."

"I don't like that I let her get to me. Am I weak?" Harry sighed.

"Absolutely not. I love her to death but she can be nasty when she gets in her moods." Louis answered.

"It was easy when they were babies, wasn't it?" Harry chuckled.

"Ehm, no. They hardly slept and I for once never wanna do that many diaper changes again." Louis laughed.

"Maybe we will be grandparents one day." Harry beamed.

"Hopefully not anytime soon. Is it time for the sex talk? I know we already had it with Miles and that was some embarrassing shit, but the girls?" Louis wondered.

"They're only fourteen." Harry gasped.

"I had sex when I was fifteen." Louis reminded him.

"That doesn't count." Harry snorted.

"I know that sex with girls is a foreign concept to you and I'm sorry to break it to you, but it counts Haz." Louis giggled.

"Whatever." Harry said and rolled his eyes.

Louis called his sister the next day and she immediately agreed to come for a visit. The rest of the week went by fast. Johannah was in an especially bad mood and Harry took it hard, wondering what he did wrong.

Lottie arrived at lunchtime on Saturday.
"Aunt Lottie!" Johannah screamed and came running into the hallway to hug her.

"Hi, Jo." Lottie greeted before she hugged Isobel as well. "Hi Iz, God, look at you two, you're getting so big. Where's your brother?"

"He's still sleeping." Isobel answered.

"Teenagers." Lottie said with an eye roll.

She walked into the kitchen where Harry was preparing lunch and Louis kept him company. Louis jumped down from the counter and hugged his sister. Lottie hugged him back before they walked over to the stove to give Harry a hug as well.
"Lunch is ready in forty minutes."  Harry smiled.

"Great! Come on Jo, let's talk. I'll catch up with you to Iz, but first I want to talk to your sister, okay?" Lottie said.

"Sure." Isobel smiled.

Lottie started the cross-examination as soon as they closed the door to Johannah's room.
"So what's going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Johannah said with a pout.

"Oh, cut the crap, Jo. Why are you acting out and why are you so mean to Harry in particular?" Lottie asked harshly.

Johannah shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know. All my emotions just flood out and he annoys me, dad too, but papa doesn't get angry. And they're soooo embarrassing. They're always kissing and stuff!"

"Papa doesn't get angry but he gets sad." Lottie answered and Johannah looked guilty. "Do you have a problem with them being gay?"

"NO! Of course not, but they're like old. Why do they have to kiss all the time? My friend's parents don't do that and especially not in front of others. That's gross!" Johannah said upset.

"Harry and Louis really love each other and they're still as in love as they were when they were teens. That's remarkable Jo. Not that many people have that. It's not gross, it's beautiful. Do you want them to fight all the time instead?" Lottie questioned.

"No, that would be awful." Johannah answered.

"Cut them some slack then and stop being so bitchy towards Harry. He loves you and he doesn't deserve it. I know that it's hard when you're a teenager and all these hormones make you act crazy. I was the same and now I wish that I had been nicer to my mum, you know?" Lottie said.

"I'll try." Johannah promised.

Isobel came and told them that lunch was ready and Lottie hugged Johannah before they went to the kitchen. Johannah walked up to Harry and hugged him.
"I love you, papa."

Harry got a little teary-eyed and had to take a calming breath so he wouldn't start bawling his eyes out.
"I love you too, sweetheart."

Louis mouthed a "thank you" to Lottie.

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