
"Awesome" Sana awed

"Beautifurr!" Dahyun awesomely said

"Wow!" Jeonyeon sighed marvelously amazed

"Beach!" Nayeon screamed

"Yah!stop cursing!" Momo spatted at Nayeon

"I said beach not bitch!" Nayeon spatted back

"Yah,dummies! stop bickering!" Jihyo yelled trying to restrain the two from bickering like a child

"Idiots" Tzuyu said leaving everyone pouting

"Okay guys,follow me and let me show your rooms before we grabbed lunch and enjoy the vacation" Jihyo said

Jihyo assisted us and led everyone to our asigned rooms.Obviously,everyone shared rooms with their girlfriends making Sana,Nayeon and Momo screamed in happiness.Thse naughty gays.

Mina and I went into our own room to unpacked and to take a shower just like what everyone surely be doing right now.I started organizing our stuffs while Mina was taking a shower at the moment.

I was busy organizing everything while listening to my girlfriend singing in the shower when my phone rang.
It was an unregistered number so I ignored it till the call was dropped but afte only a few seconds,it called again.Out of curiousity,I answered the call thinking it was some sort of emergency.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked but the caller was not answering.I've waited for the caller to response
for a minute when Mina walked out of the shower.

"Hey,babe.who's that?" She asked while wiping her hair

The caller suddenly ended the call without saying anything.It feels so weird but I choose to just shrugged it off.

"I don't know either,babe" I answered back

"A misdialed number?" Mina asked

"Maybe..come here,let me help you dry your hair" I said grabbing the hairblower from the drawer

I'm almost done blowing her hair dry when the door suddenly opened revealing Dahyun with with her dorky face and wiggling eyebrows

"Hey lovebirds"

"Yah! Didn't you even know how to knock?" I said almost yelling at the snow white

"Why?are you up to something? You know hot stuffs and--"

"Shut your mouth tofu,what d'you want anyway?" I asked showing my annoyed face

"Easy there tiger,lunch was ready and Jihyo asked me to informed you lovebirds" Dahyun chuckled

"Thank you,Dahyun" Mina said shyly probably because of Dahyun sprouting something like 'hot stuffs'

"We'll be down a minute" I said

"Okay lovebirds,save those hot stuffs for earlier" Dahyun teased

The door was closed immediately before I could even  grabbed a tissue and threw it to  the walking tofu. Aish.

"You're cute" Mina chuckled

"Well,let's see if you can still say that to me later when I made you moan my name" I teased making her blush

"Yah! go get your shower!" She said pushing me to the bathroom with a red face

"Fine,will you join me?" I teased again

"Son chaeyoung!" She yelled looking annoyed

"Okay okay" I raised my hands as a sign of defeat. Mad Mina is really  such a scary Mina,if you know what I mean.


After a quick shower,Mina and I went down the kitchen to join everyone.They weren't still eating when we arrived and annoyance was visible to their faces.

"Finally! We can eat!" Nayeon said rolling her orbs around

"I told you they're probably doing something" Sana chuckled making mg girlfriend blush

"I guess so too,look at the blushing penguin" Dahyun added

I just ignore everyone and pulled a chair for Mina before sitting beside her

"Okay guys,let's eat before Momo and Jeongyeon finished everything" Jihyo said making the two food lovers pout for a moment then go back at eating

"See?" Jihyo chuckled which made everyone chuckled as well

"Well,I love food.Food is my life!" Momo beamed

"Oh,how about me then?" Dahyun asked pouti

"Oh,you're my desert" Momo winked at the blushing dubu

" Oh,c'mmon guys not infront of my salad!" Tzuyu groaned

"Don't worry Tzuyu-ah,I'm better than your salad" Sana winked at Tzuyu making the latter choked on her food

"Yah!Jengyeon,feed me too just  like what Chaeyoung is doing to Mina" Nayeon said trying to act cute

"You're not cute" Jeongyeon said while still focusing on her food

That made everyone burst out laughing especially the penguin beside me which made everyone adored her even more.Happy and cute penguin was everyone's favorite afterall.

"Mina really was far cuter than Nayeon" Jihyo said obviously teasing the sulking bunny

"You guys are mean" Nayeon said still pouting while looking down at her food

"Stop it,You're not cute,you're beautiful" Joengyeon said before feeding Nayeon all of a sudden which made Nayeon blush and giggled

"Aww,that's sweet" Dahyun said

"too sweet" Jihyo said acting like she's about to throw up

"You're just jealous 'coz I'm beautiful" Nayeon spat

"Nah,you're not" Jihyo spatted back

"Again,here comes the self-proclaimed beauty" Sana butted in making us all laughed

I just laughed along with the others while feeding the penguin beside me who was silently enjoying her food bathed in ketchup.She was so adorable that it made my heart fall for her again anad again

Myoui Mina,my Mina.




This story is purely a fan fiction and a result of my boredom.
Any possible events,characters and places mentioned throughout the story is basically just a mixture of my wild imagination and combination of me being a fan of twice.

Sorry for Any grammatical error and choice of words.
Feel free to send any feedbacks and suggestions.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!
Again,this story is a Fanfiction.

"We only live Once,
So love TWICE"

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