2 • Christmas with the Bartons

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Same idea as the last one. Nat and Steve go to the Bartons for Christmas Eve/Morning. The other Avengers already had previous plans so Steve gets stuck with Nat and the Bartons again.

"They left us again," Steve laughs as he kisses his fiancé.

"Well we can go to the Bartons," Natasha says kissing him back.

"Sounds good I'll go pack," Steve says before leaving to their shared bedroom.

--- --- --- --- ---

Before they can step from the car; Lila pulls open the drivers side door and jumps to Natasha's lap.

"Merry Christmas Auntie Nat!"

"Merry Christmas Lila," Natasha replies.

"Did you bring uncle Steve?"

"Yes I did," The young girl races to the trunk of the car where Steve is grabbing their bags. She latches onto his leg and soon is joined by Coopers. The two kids smile brighly up their uncle and dance around the car, kicking up snow as they go. Clint comes out and gets their bags for them as Steve grabs the presents they had brought.

Lila pulls Natasha inside to show her all the decorations they had put up. While Cooper and his dad carry the bags. Laura greets them inside and Steve places the presents under their nine foot tree, decorated from top to bottom in an assortment of lights and ribbons.

Laura is the first to notice the shiny diamond ring on Natasha finger.

"Natasha Romanoff! is that an engagement ring?"

"Umm I'm not sure let me check. Hey Steve this is an engagement ring right?" Natasha laughs at the stunned Laura and Clint.

"Well when I proposed that was it's inital intention," Steve plays along.

"Oh My God. You two are ENGAGED?!" Clint yells.

"Since when?"

"Two weeks ago. We've been dating since the summer," Natasha informs.

"Ya! I saw them kiss on Thanksgiving!" Lila chimes in.

The family is still shocked at the news by midnight. Clint is still mad they didn't tell him they were even dating to begin with. The kids are sleeping and Steve and Natasha help Clint and Laura put out all the presents for the morning. They had a large dinner earlier and the they were all equally as stuffed as they are tired. They all retreat to their rooms after a long day. Steve and Nat stay in the guest bedroom for the night.

"I wanted to give this to you now," Steve pulls out a small box wrapped in festive wrapping paper. Natasha looks up to him and sits down on the bed and tears the paper away. She opens the box and inside is a silver locket. Nat flips it open, inside is a picture of all of the Avengers. On the other side is a picture Clint took of Steve and Natasha sleeping next to Cooper and Lila, the day after thanksgiving.

"It's perfect Steve thank you," Natasha says into his neck as she pulls him into a hug. Steve wraps his large arms around her small frame and holds her close to him.

"I love you," Natasha whispers.

"I love you too," Steve says. Suddenly, Natasha springs up and digs through her bag; seated on a chair in the corner of the room. She pulls out a wrapped box similar to the one she had opened earlier. Natasha hands it to Steve and returns to her spot next to him on the bed. Steve opens the paper quickly like a little kid. He opens the box. Inside is a silver watch. Engraved in the back are the dates:


The dates of when they met, their first kiss/date. And the day he proposed. Under that inscription, in and even smaller font read,


Their first ever words to eachother.

"Natasha. Wow. This is amazing. God I love you," He says tackling her to the bed. Natasha laughs loudly and so does Steve.

"Guess we both had the same idea this year for gifts," Natasha states.

"Ya I guess we did," Steve agrees. After the gift exchange they change into sleepwear and get ready for bed. The couple slips into bed next to each other and Natasha rolls into Steve's side and rests her head in the crook of his neck. He pulls her to him and both enjoying in how well their bodies fit into the others.

"Merry Christmas,"

"Merry Christmas Rogers,"

--- --- --- --- ---

The next morning, Natasha and Steve are awoken with a start. Lila jumps on Nat and drags her from bed and downstairs. Steve follows behind slowly. Cooper had gotten his parents and soon they are all gathered around the tree in the living room. It had snowed last night as if scripted, adding a movie like touch to the already magical morning.

Natasha is in awe of the children as they open all their presents. Natasha stops for a second to notice that she is surrounded by the people she loves the most. Those who she would die for. And for the first time since she can remember she is completely and fully happy on Christmas.

After all the presents are opened, the kids run around playing with all of the new toys. And like the dad he is Clint had gathered all the wrapping paper as he went, leaving no big mess to clean now. The kids decided they want to go sledding on the hill behind the house, so Laura and Clint go get them ready.

"I want this Steve," Natasha says to him as she leans against him some more. She sits between his legs on the floor her back to his chest.

"I know you do. You have it. These kids love you like you are their mother," Steve comforts holding his fiance a little tighter. Steve hates when she gets like this. Sad. About everything she has and will miss out on. Though he does try his very best to give her everything, some things can never be.

"We can always adopt Nat,"

"I know. I want to," She says. They have only talked about this once before. When she told him she can't have kids.

"Good because I would love to have one of these running around," Steve laughs as Cooper zooms by them out the front door and into the snow. Natasha turns and kisses him.

"Come on let's go sledding Auntie Nat!" Lila yells as she races after her older brother. Natasha gets up and pulls on her boots and coat. Steve follows quickly and tackles his soon to be wife into the snow.

"Steve! You don't know what you just got yourself into," A devil like grin spreads to Natasha's face. Steve quickly gets off of her and runs. Natasha chases after him and forms a snowball in her hands. She throws it hard and it nails him in the back of the head. The snow drips down into his undershirt, he screeches and returns a snowball at Nat. An all out war starts. And the two kids hide behing their sleds for cover.

Steve and Natasha come to a stale mate as they are to tired to continue. They are both soaked as they didn't wear the proper attire outside. But the cold doesn't bother either of them and Steve pulls Natasha into his warm embrace.

"Merry Christmas Rogers,"

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