18 • It's Fall After All (AU)

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Steve is lost in a corn maze and is separated from his friends. He runs into Natasha, who is lost and alone also. Fluff. (Skinny!Steve).

Steve always ended up on these situations. Stranded by Bucky and his latest date. This time though he was stranded. In a corn field. Steve felt bile rise in his throat, at the thought of being alone out here. He's seen the movies. Ya know, the ones with the chainsaws and unrealistic amounts of blood splatter.

Steve checks his watch. 7:49 pm. He sighs. Only eleven minutes until this place closes. He coughs quickly into his sleeve, and looks around for any sign of an exit. He's too short to see over the corn, and he won't be able to run through the corn without getting some sort of cold, or illness.

His mom had even warned him as he bolted out the front door of their Brownstone. Stevie, don't you dare let Bucky drag you into trouble. He had only replied with a short you got it mom, and left. Oh how he wished he stayed home.

They sky was beginning to turn a dark shade of blue, the sun almost fully set behind mountains that peak in the distance. For a moment all seems silent, as Steve makes, what he believes is another wrong turn.

"Yelena I swear to Gods!" A voice yells, from somewhere in the corn. Steve audibly gasps, another person. He's not alone. Steve makes a couple more rights and then a left, before he sees a redhead dialing furiously at her phone.

"You ok ma'am?" Steve asks. His voice sounding meeker than he intended it to be. Her hands grip in her hair, and pull it up to the top of her head.

"Umm yeah I'm fine. It's my fucking sister, she likes to run off without me," She says. Steve, taken aback by her language, blushes fiercely and not from the cold autumn wind wiping at his cheeks, also turning his lips a cracked pink.

"Well I was also ditched, so I guess were stuck together."

"I didn't even want to come to this stupid place!" She shouts. Her breathing quickens, Steve feels the anxiety radiating from her.

"I'll tell you this, you help me get out of here, and I buy you apple cider when we do?" He watches her face soften, until a smile that reaches her eyes spreads across her face.

"Deal. What's your name?"

"I'm Steve Rogers ma'am," He holds out his hand. She takes it,

"I'm Natasha."

--- --- --- --- ---

"Are you from around here?" Natasha asks.


"Ahh should of guessed." Steve tilts his head in confusion.

"The accent," She elaborates.

"Right." Steve shoves his hands in his pockets. "Which way?" Steve asks.

Natasha spins and then points left.


Left. Right. Right. Right. Left. Dead end. Left. Dead end. Straight. Left. Right. . .

--- --- --- --- ---

Steve checks his watch, as the sun threats to completely extinguish for the night.

"This has to be it right? I can hear people now," Natasha laughs.

"Ladies first," Steve gestures to the final turn, letting Natasha take the lead.

"Oh thank the Gods," Natasha sighs happily.

"Indeed," Steve laughs. Then rubbing his bare arms, as the chill from before hits him with full force. They walk in silence back to the main parking lot.

"Hey Nat there you are!" A blonde whose running calls them yells.

"Yelena what the hell! You left me in there," Natasha reprimands.

"Sorry Natty but I really wanted some of this apple cider," She gestures to the plastic cup in her hand, wrapped in the red velvet crochet pattern of her mitten, that Melina had made in an attempt at a new hobby.

"Whose this?" Yelena asks.

"This is Steve, he helped me not get axe murdered in there," Natasha throws one of her arms around Steve, and he blushes at the contact.

"I'll be in the car don't be to long k?" Yelena chirps, as she runs towards a car in the lot.

"How about some of that famed apple cider than?" Steve asks. Natasha nods, and reaches her frost nipped hand for one of Steve's. Despite his stature, Steve's hand envelopes Natasha completely. Steve feels a warmth fill his chest, as he grips Natasha's hand a little tighter, as she drags him towards the apple cider booth.

--- --- --- --- ---

Steve get's to Bucky's truck that night, a stomach full of apple cider donuts, a desire for the heat of the car, and a cherry red lipstick mark on his cheek. He spots Bucky in the drivers side, making out one of the girls Bucky had brought along, on his lap, there lips locked.

Steve scowls and leans up against the back on the truck.

He kicks his foot against the tail gate hoping to spark Bucky's interest. Soon the passenger side door opens, and Bucky's date scurries away from the truck.

"Hey Steve! Good for you to catch up," Bucky greets, as Steve climbs up into the passenger seat. Steve, with urgency, reaches for the heat and turns it up to the max. He shoves his hands into his pockets.

"What took you so long?" Bucky asks, his hands on the steering wheel as he backs out of the gravel parking lot.

"Well Buck. I got lost after you left me, and Natasha helped me find my way out," He explains.

"Wait. Is Natasha a girl?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Was she hot?"

"If you're asking if she was pretty, then I say exceedingly. And I got her number, were getting coffee next week." Steve adds quickly.

"No way! I leave you for a minute and boom you got a girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Not yet."

--- --- --- --- ---

Steve and Natasha meet up at a coffee shop in Brooklyn the following week. Despite Steve's hesitancy about the date, Natasha makes all of his insecurities disappear when she kisses him, and asks him out for another date.

--- --- --- --- ---

At Steve and Natasha's wedding, Bucky hands each of them a corn stalk, and congratulates them.

--- --- --- --- ---


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