19 • Christmas (Plus Three)

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Tony decides the best way to celebrate the first Christmas after everyone returning (post-endgame) is to make sure everyone is invited to the see the new compound. And he means everyone. Endgame Fix-it. Fluff. WidowFam Fluff. Steve Rogers is not a virgin.

Natasha hadn't really thought it through, the morning before she called her parents and Yelena. It had been in a spring of holiday anxiety that she reluctantly invited them to the new compound for Christmas. She hadn't spent a holiday with them since 1995, and she wasn't totally sure of how Alexei and Tony would get along. She was sure Alexei would comment on Tony's reverent ideology, and how capitalism made him.

She had gotten off the phone with Melina, and made her way down to the living room, Steve was already there, a manila file open on the coffee table. Wanda and Pepper sat quietly at the kitchen table softly chatting. Natasha pads lightly to were Steve is, noticing his distraught reactions to the contents of the file before him.

He smiles when she sits down beside him. Steve throws an arm around Nat, pulling her closer to him.

"What are you working on?"

"Ahh it's the report from Sam and Buck's last mission. Bad intel, Sam got shot."

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah he's fine. Bucky said that he's enjoying all the attention from the nurses down in medical."

"Natasha!" A voice from behind them calls.

"What," Natasha sighs and turns to face the voice.

"You haven't put who you're inviting to Christmas dinner on my list." Tony, now in sight, accuses.

"That's because I haven't gotten around to it yet."

"Well how many are you inviting?"

"Three. They'll be here tomorrow night. I sent a Quinjet for them. It's my parents and my sister."

Shock shoots across Tony's face and Wanda and Pepper pad over from the kitchen.

"Since when do you have family? And why didn't we know about it?" Pepper raises her voice and sits

"Since 1995, and you guys have never asked. And it's not by blood, we were all put on a mission together. And now we call each other family, for like sentimentality or whatever."

Steve isn't shocked by the news. Natasha had told him a few months before they started dating. He and Clint (and of course Laura, they are a package deal after all) are the only ones who know about her parents and Yelena.

"Yeah so be nice. Or whatever," Natasha shrugs, and stands to remove herself from the room. Steve gets up and follows after her.

--- --- --- --- ---

It's cold when Natasha steps onto the sidewalk, outside of the compound. The cold nips at her uncovered finger tips, and threatens to make her shiver. She feels a presence slip out of the door behind her.

"You ok Nat?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure how everyone will get along."

"Should be interesting for sure. I myself can't wait to meet them."

"They don't know were together."

"Do you want to keep it a secret?"

"We'll see what happens." Natasha smiles, and Steve pulls her close to him, by wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Yes we will."

--- --- --- --- ---

Natasha is up at 6:00 in the morning the following day, per Pepper's request. It's the morning of Christmas Eve, and Pepper is a nervous wreck. She had prepared most of the food the night before, but there was still much to do.

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