20 • Picture Me in the Trees

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Could be seen as a part two, to chapter 17 - Meeting the In laws. WidowFam Fluff. Natasha Angst.

Natasha sinks to her knees in the backyard of her family home. The light of the day was beginning to dim, and a cool breeze swept carelessly through the spring sky. The ground beneath her hands, stained her finger tips with brown dirt. She realizes this, and wipes them quickly on her leggings. It is rather quiet today. Alexei and Melina are still asleep, Yelena had gone out to get dog food.

--- --- --- --- ---

Steve watches Natasha through the tiny window, above the kitchen sink. She seems sad, but free. And Steve doesn't know what he can do to help. The backyard looks bare, in comparison to the red of Natasha's hair. He remembered her telling him, earlier in the week, there had been a swing set in the backyard, when she was young. Yelena would chase her through the wooden structure, and she would feel invincible as she reached the top, only to slide back down a moment later.

There was a certain tinge of anguish that shot through his body, as if it shook him to his very bones. Though, it was quickly pushed down, when the front door popped open with a squeal.

"No, Fanny! Get back here!" A woman shouts.

The dog, it's size accentuated by it's thick fur, shot past Steve in the kitchen, leash rattling on the tile behind him. Who then dashed into the doggy door, that led outside into the fenced-in back yard. Steve looks back outside through the small kitchen window. The once sorrowful Natasha, was now pinned beneath the playful dog. Mud smeared onto her clothes, yet she did not put up a fight as Fanny licked her way across Natasha's face. Instead, Natasha let her finger trace through her thick fur, and pat the dog down, in hope of calming her.

Yelena who had been watching the sight as well behind Steve, decides to intervene. She slides open the glass door, and then the screen.

"Fanny! Get over here," Yelena yells in half-hearted anger.

This time, the dog adheres to her voice, and trots over to Yelena, who can finally unclip her leash.

"Good собакa," (dog) Yelena gives her a pat on the head, before Fanny leaps back over to where Natasha is now standing.

"Not again, let's go inside come on," Natasha leads both the hound, and her little sister inside.

"I didn't know you were up." Natasha walks over to Steve, who has began preparing breakfast, and kisses him on the corner of his mouth. Steve catches her before she can turn around, and pulls her tightly into a hug. He kisses her forehead, and then the tip of her nose. All before he leans down and catches her lips, lacing them with his own.

She kisses back with more fervency than Steve expected, but he quickly follows her lead.

"Ok. That's enough. Steve I love you for her, but please continue making our breakfast, the gross stuff can wait until lunch!"

Yelena pushes past the both of them and hands Steve a pan, and pulls bacon from the freezer.

"торопиться Steve!" (Hurry up) Yelena urges once more.

"Kids, what's all this unnecessary noise. It's so early!" Another voice exclaims, from further down the hallway. With loud steps, Alexei emerges from his room, hair tussled into a tall mess of gray and brown.

"It's Natashenka, and her very large fiancé," Yelena using the look only the youngest child knows, easily moves the blame to her sister.

"You said you wanted food, and now you are insulting the person who is going to make it for you," Natasha rolls her eyes, arms crossed in a light-hearted façade of intimidation.

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