The mission

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       You answer the phone and say "hello?" you then hear bonnie and she said "why didn't you tell me about you and kai going to texas alone you know how I feel about him alone with ANYONE ." Then you say "oh yeah I forgot to tell you but I thought someone else would tell you " she then says "well I had to pry it out of damon but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have known ." Kai then walks into the room and says "do you want anything from the store I'll pay for it "bonnie hears and says "oh god I still hate the sound of his voice " so kai says" oh hey bonnie I didn't know you were calling
y/n ." Bonnie then says "ok now that I know you're fine I'm going to leave " so you say "ok bye " kai then says "so do you want anything?" You then respond with "no I'm fine" so kai nods and closes the door so you go back to sleep.

      Once you woke up you noticed kai siting on one of the chairs in the corner of the room. You then say"what are you doing " so kai says
" well I was waiting for you to wake up so I could tell you that we are going to get a stone." You then say "what do you mean by a stone " Kai then says "it supposedly makes you stronger and it was made by one of your ancestors so you are the only one that can get it." Curiously you said"what is it called " Kai then looks at you and says "the earth and fire stone but get ready we are leaving in thirty minutes." You then said "ok I'm going to get ready so can you get out " he then says "fine but hurry up" so you grab your phone and call elena .

"Ok I need you to look up "the earth and fire stone" because kai said that it makes you stronger and I'm the only one who can get it he also said it was created by one of my ancestors "you had said to elena before she could even answer. You then hear caroline say" oh elena is doing something right now but me and stefan can search it up for you" so you say "oh ok thank you but I kind of need y'all to hurry cause kai said we are leaving in thirty minutes." Stefan then search's it up and says" well it says that it gives permanent power to a siphon witch so you can't let him get it ." You then say "how am I going to get it from him he's stronger then me " caroline then says "ok just tell him that you're sick and maybe it will give us more time oh wait he's not going to fall for it ."

You then hear kai come into the room and he runs up to you and grabs the phone from your hand then he hangs up. Kai then says "what were you doing " so you say"oh caroline had called me and was asking what we were doing so I just told her." He then says "next time someone calls don't answer just text them you're ok and that you're watching a movie ." You then say "oh umm ok so when are we leaving " kai says "right now " then he grabs your hand and hurries you out the apartment.

Y'all were driving for a while and ended up in a forest so you were a little scared of what could happen out there. You and kai get out the car and look around "so do you know where the stone is at or do you have to do locator spell " you had told kai. He then says "well we have to look for it but hopefully it won't be to hard" so you say "and this is going to take forever. " Y'all start walking around and all you see is trees,rocks,and dirt so you say "what does the stone look like " so kai says "well it's green but not just any kind of green it's emerald green ." You look at him and say "oh this is even worse then I thought it was" then turn your head and try to look for the stone.

"Sooo while we are looking for it tell me things about you" kai said to you so you say "well my favorite color is black " kai then says "no way my favorite color is black too." You then said "oh that's cool, and my favorite number is 7 " kai was thinking and then said "my favorite number is 32 ." After looking for a while you got tired and wanted to sit down but kai said "why are you sitting down we have to find the stone come on " then grabs your hands so he could pull you up.

So once you got up you were looking and couldn't find anything and thought y'all should stop looking. "Come on kai let's just go back to the apartment and we could look for the stone tomorrow"you had told kai so he said "no we're not going to stop until we find that damn stone."You just kept looking but couldn't find anything so you just kept walking until you hit a wall and went straight though it.

      Kai didn't see so you wanted to look around ,it was dark and cold but you didn't see anything. There was nothing except a rock so you went up to it and then heard kai screaming your name.He thought that maybe you abandoned him or even got kidnapped so he was looking everywhere, you could see right through the wall and saw everything.You then looked back at the rock and was trying to examine it but it just looked like a rock.You put your hands on it and was feeling around it but then you felt a switch so were curious and was thinking if you should flip it or not.

A life with Kai Parker Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang