Chapter 18

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After Shoto was taken away, Mina went to her room and locked herself up, lay down on the bed and put her pillow over her face so no one would hear her cry, she didn't come out all day

The next morning...

Shortly after noon Mina left and went for something to eat, when she got to the kitchen she saw that everyone was gathered, Momo approached her and gave her a letter

- ¿What is this?

- The trial of ...

Mina took the letter from her without letting her finish and began to read it, saying that the trial would be in a month, she along with several of her friends: Momo, Midoriya, Bakugo, Kaminari, Uraraka, Hagakure and Iida, along with Aizawa, his mother and more people

- We also talk to the police and... we can go visit him, but...

Mina did not wait for him to finish speaking and quickly took a shower, got dressed and returned to the first floor where everyone was

- That was fast ... You never dress so fast when we have to go to class

- This is more important Tooru, I'll see you later

Mina left and walked to the jail of the police station, the policemen guided her to a room where there were other people visiting other inmates awaiting their trial, she sat at a table in the middle of the room, the doors on the other side of the room was opened and from there 2 guards came out escorting Shoto, who had a necklace around his neck that prohibited him from using his quirk, both his clothes and his hair were wet and he was handcuffed, Mina put her hands in her mouth and got up to hug him

- Don't touch him - One of the guards said to Mina before she hugged him

- He's my boyfriend, I can touch him as much as I want

- If you touch him, he will return to his cell

Mina sighed angrily and returned to her seat, Shoto sat across from her and the guards released his handcuffs

- You have 10 minutes

Both guards went to lean against the wall to watch over everyone in the room, Mina's desire to hug him to never let him go again were big, but she had to hold back, at least for now

Shoto saw that Mina's eyes were a bit puffy and red, not to mention that she had dark circles, which worried him.

- ¿How do you feel Mina?

- Tired, I hardly slept, I was very worried about you

Shoto was about to grab her hand to reassure her

- Don't touch

- Idiot - Shoto whispered to the guard

- Ignore him Sho, ¿Why are you all wet?

- Well, here they wake me up with a water hose, it's also the shower

Mina turned her gaze to the guards and frowned.

- I read that your trial will be in 1 month, I do not want to spend so long without you again

- It won't be that long; you can come to see me every day

- I don't think I can Sho, the others will want to come too, but next time I'll bring you a big bowl of cold soba

Shoto smiled at that, the food that was in that prison could not even be called food, it was like a brown dough that could be soft or toasted, not to mention that it brought things that were not edible like small stones, nails, in his dinner of yesterday there was even an eyelid; and for its shape he doubted that he was human, and to drink he get a glass of water, but he doubted that they would wash something well, since they had black stains

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now