Chapter 23

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Dabi stared at Shoto after saying that, turned his gaze to the other direction

- I can't, it's been a long time ... I've done horrible things and I don't think she ...

- She loved you more than dad and I'm sure she still does - Said Shoto - Even if it's just come for she see that you're okay and then go back with them

- You say it like it's such an easy, idiot

- I'm just saying that ...

- ¡Ready! - Toga shouted in front of them, they were so concentrated talking that they did not realize that they had arrived

They had made up Toga and fixed her hair naturally without her bows, she wore a blue dress and a silver tiara, Kazumi was dressed almost the same, the only difference was that her dress was red

- Yaaaaa - Kazumi moved her little arm towards them so they could see her

- We saw you - Dabi got up and carried the little girl - You look prettier than mom

- Hey - Toga complained pouting

- Yaaaaa - Kazumi clapped and hugged his father happy

- And Min...

Shoto could not finish speaking when he saw Mina who was behind Toga, she was wearing a totally pink dress with some yellow lines on the waist and arms, it was a little tight on her hips and she was wearing a golden crown, they had also made up her since her cheeks glowed a little

- ¿H-How do I look? - Princess Mina asked with red cheeks

Shoto did not know how to answer her, beautiful was not enough and he was sure that he would stumble when trying to speak, the best he could do was take her in his arms and kiss her

- H-hehe I guess I look cute

- Yaaaaa - Kazumi clapped again happily

After that they went to lunch in a restaurant in the same park

- ¿Will you come or not? - Shoto went back to the topic of conversation he had with his brother

- Shit fine, but only one day ...

- No, a few days

- Fine

The girls just looked at them confused, but Toga already had an idea of what they were referring to

- If Dabi goes, we go too - Toga said putting her hand on the table

- No Toga, it is not necessary that ...

- I'm not asking you Dabi

- Yaaa - Kazumi hugged Toga hinting that he would not go without them

- It is decided, they will come with us on the return flight - Mina said smiling

After the days of his vacations, it was time to go back to Japan

There were no problems in returning since thanks to Kurogiri they quickly come back without need to take a plane

- It feels weird to be back - Dabi said looking around

- We will go to the hospital, now - Shoto said looking at them all

Dabi put on a jacket with a hat to avoid being recognized, which worked, everyone kept walking to the hospital, they kept walking to Rei's room where they all stopped at the closed door, Shoto was the first to enter and hugged her without doubt it

- Sho, I thought you would come until tomorrow - Rei said looking at her son

- Yeah, well, some things happened and ... I bring you a surprise

- ¿Surprise? - Rei had a confused look and Shoto, he helped her walk to the door, she opened the door and found herself face to face with her eldest son, she almost lost her balance but he held her by the hands, she recognized him almost instantly from seeing the turquoise of his eyes - ¿T-Touya?

- H-hi mom ... I'm sorry about everything ...

He couldn't finish speaking because Rei hugged him with all her strength and cried into his chest

- Awww, how cute - Said Toga looking at the scene

Rei turned her gaze towards them, more to Toga and Kazumi, she was surprised to see the little girl's turquoise eyes, seeing that she was blonde like Toga, she was more surprised, it did not take long to deduce the rest, it was her granddaughter

- Touya... ¿T-They...?

- Y-yes, she is my daughter and my girlfriend

- Nice to meet you, I'm the girlfriend of your eldest son and the best friend of your youngest son - Said Toga smiling and extending her daughter in front of Rei- She is Kazumi, ¿Do you want to carry her?

Rei was surprised to see how Kazumi approached her and extended her small arms to her and hugged her neck, Rei smiled and hugged the baby back

- Yaaa - Kazumi snuggled into Rei's arms and began to play with her white hair

- S-she's beautiful - Rei smiled and hugged the little baby

- Well, it may be that soon you will have another - Mina said smiling

Everyone there except Shoto understood what she meant.

- No, I'm not ... At least not yet - Mina laughed making them breathe a sigh of relief - Come on Sho, we have to go back to the dorms

- Yes, I think they have a lot to talk about

Shoto and Mina left, leaving them with Rei so they could talk about many things that happened in all the years that he was not there, and also to get to know Toga and Kazumi better.

When they returned to the dorms, the girls hugged Mina and asked her how her vacation with Shoto had been, she didn't say any details of his brother and Toga

- ¿You didn't do it, right? - Hagakure joked with Mina hitting her with her elbow

- Shut up Tooru - Mina laughed and hit her with a pillow

Momo only put on a fake smile to hide her jealousy of them, she approached Todoroki to speak as they did before, but he only gave her a cold look as answer and ignored her to go with Mina to her room

Jirou noticed that and approached Momo

- Yaomomo, it's a bad idea and you know it

- I know but he ... It's not fair you know - Momo frowned - He supported me, before losing his memory and ...

- But you didn't do anything, besides, he and Mina were already dating before the accident, it is also obvious that he does not want nothing with anyone other than her, please forget him

That only made Momo go to her room and not go out anymore, she didn't want to see how Shoto expressed affection to someone else, especially one of her friends

The next morning in class ...

Aizawa prepared a training for them, fights in partners, everyone took out of a paper some numbers that were repeated in sequence from 1 to 10

Mina and Tsuyu got number 3 so they would be a team, unfortunately Shoto and Momo got number 4, and those 2 teams would fight each other

Please Come Back to Me - Shoto Todoroki x Mina AshidoWhere stories live. Discover now